Saturday, May 30, 2015

Convergence #8

The cover of Convergence #8 (July 2015) shows Hal Jordan as Parallax, Supergirl, Flash, Superman, Lois Lane and baby in a giant hand (yes, they are all the pre-Crisis versions):
Cover of Convergence #8 from DC Comics
The highlights of this issue for me are the double page spreads featuring the alternate Earths in the multiverse that has been restored by the undoing of Crisis on Infinite Earths:
Page 17 of Convergence #8 from DC Comics
Page 18 of Convergence #8 from DC Comics
Of course, the planet that Telos was tied to becomes the new Earth 2.

To me this issue seemed rushed and left me a little underwhelmed. It's great to see the multiverse back but how exactly they did it was not shown. I think this event warranted at least two more issues. I have to wonder how many of these alternate Earths we will really see in the future.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Convergence #7

The cover of Convergence #7 (July 2015) features many of the DC superheroes attacking Deimos as he throttles Telos:
Cover of Convergence #7 from DC Comics
The highlight of this issue is seeing the different versions of Superman, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter in the multiverse:
Page 9 of Convergence #7 from DC Comics
Leave it to Hal Jordan as Parallax to get mad and destroy Deimos. Kind of a let down because I think Travis Morgan aka the Warlord should have been the one to kill him.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Women Wednesday: Power Girl vs Wonder Woman

The only reason to pick up Convergence: Action Comics #2 (July 2015) is for the pre-Crisis Earth 2 Power Girl vs Earth 30 Wonder Woman. The cover is great since it features both women duking it out:
The battle actually began when the Russian Amazon in a jet attacked the Kyptonian beauty. Of course, the latter ripped off one of the wings causing the former to bail out:
Kara takes Diana's boot to the face:
The Russian Amazon takes a right:
But she then uses her lasso for some serious swinging:
Leave it to Earth 2 pre-Crisis Superman to hit the Russian Wonder Woman:
Power Girl is ready for another round but her cousin puts an end to this super catfight:
The trio then heads off to stop Stalin and Lex Luthor from launching missiles in Moscow. They also dispatch some giant G.I. Robots.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Women Wednesday: Convergence: Supergirl Matrix #2

The cover of Convergence: Supergirl Matrix #2 (July 2015) is a tribute to Action Comics #252 (1959), which is the first appearance of Supergirl. Kara is filling in for Superman and Ambush Bug is in her spot:
Cover of Convergence: Supergirl Matrix #2 from DC Comics
Ambush Bug actually saves this comic from being a bore even with the appearance of Lady Quark. It's another wordy issue but at least there are some funny moments.
Page 9 of Convergence: Supergirl Matrix #2 from DC Comics
The ending does leave you hanging but the fate of Lex Luthor is not pretty. At least, that is shown off panel.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Convergence: The Titans #2

The cover of Convergence: The Titans #2 (July 2015) is pretty cool with Arsenel, Starfire and Donna Troy battling Dreamslayer of the Extremists:
Cover of Convergence:The Titans #2 from DC Comics
Arsenal leaves the main fight with his daughter, Lian. Dreamslayer follows them to Roy's bunker. They start battling for Lian's existence:
The issue switches back and forth from Roy's battle to the rest of the Titans battling the rest of the Extremists:
Overall, the story was good but not great. The interior artwork was better than expected. I felt like I was reading the second issue of The Titans battling the Extremists with touching moments between father and daughter. It did have a happy ending with everybody but Arsenal heading to the main fight in Convergence #6.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #2

Convergence: Batman: Shadow the Bat #2 (July 2015) has a nice cover featuring Batman, Azrael and Wetworks:
Cover of Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #2 from DC Comics
Too bad I can't say that about the interior artwork:
Page 9 of Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #2 from DC Comics
Yeah, this entire issue takes place on a battleship. Basically, it's Batman teaming up with Azrael against Wetworks. At the end of the story, Batman says "I have no words." That's because he and the rest used too many of them through the book. Surprisingly, nobody dies.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Convergence #6

The cover of Convergence #6 (July 2015) features Deimos, Ultraman and Gorilla Grodd along with Flashpoint versions of Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Shazam:
Cover of Convergence #6 from DC Comics
There is so much going on in this issue that I won't even try to cover everything. One of the best scenes includes the young Jay Garrick aka the Flash of Earth 2 meeting Barry Allen aka the Flash. Superman talks Dick Grayson of Earth 2 into trying to get Telos to fight with them against Deimos. He agrees and then they find out that Deimos has gathered his own army. You really need a score card to keep track of who's who in this issue.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Convergence: Aquaman #2

I have to say this about Convergence: Aquaman #2 (July 2015): it's a very violent and bloody comic book. You can tell that blood will be shed just by the cover featuring a blood splatter Arthur:
Cover of Convergence: Aquaman #2 from DC Comics
The majority of the issue dealt with Aquaman and Deathblow fighting. Arthur gets weaker after his opponent taps into the S.T.A.R. labs computer and activates the dehydrator system. Deathblow basically can't be kill but there is one way for Arthur to get the seawater that he needs:
Page 21 of Convergence: Aquaman #2 from DC Comics
Yes, Aquaman stabs Deathblow's neck with his hook and gets covered in his blood.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

Convergence: The Atom #1 and #2

One of the most oddest two issue series in the Convergence event from DC Comics has to be Convergence: The Atom. The first issue has a really grim cover with Ray Palmer holding Ryan Choi in his hand after he was killed by Deathstroke.
Cover of Convergence: The Atom #1 from DC Comics
Ray is trapped in the pre-Flashpoint Gotham City and he hear voices. People think he's nuts and it doesn't help that the only power that he has is that his hand grows big.
Page 6 of Convergence: The Atom #1 from DC Comics
He gets his shrinking powers back when the dome disappears but then he has to face Barracuda of the Etremists:
Page 18 of Convergence: The Atom #1 from DC Comics
At the end of Convergence: The Atom (June 2015), Ray Palmer realizes that he may not be imagining Ryan Choi's voice in his head.

The cover of Convergence #2: The Atom (July 2015) show both Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi in costume shrunken before Deathstroke:
Cover of Convergence: The Atom #2 from DC Comics
The issue starts with the battle between Ray Palmer aka the Atom battling Barracuda of the Extremists. He talks to Ryan and finds out that he's trapped in the dimension where their mass goes when they shrink (gotta love comic book science). Ryan is the reason why Ray's had was growing big when he was under the dome.
Page 11 of Convergence: The Atom #2 from DC Comics
 Barracuda is a real tough guy and cuts off the same hand of Ray's that he stabbed earlier with his trident. The weird part is that his hand grows into Ryan Choi in his Atom costume.

After the pair defeats Barracuda, Ray wakes up in the hospital with no sign of Ryan. Deathstroke sneaks into the hospital that nightand tries to kill Ray:
Page 17 of Convergence: The Atom #2 from DC Comics
Thankfully, the ending is actually happy even though Ray only has one hand thanks to Barracuda. I really enjoyed these two issues and the artwork is great.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Convergence: Batman and Robin #2

I believe this is the standard cover of Convergence: Batman and Robin #2 (July 2015) and the artwork is okay:
Cover of Convergence: Batman and Robin #2 from DC Comics
Most of the issue deals with the Bat family consisting of Batman, Robin, Red Hood and Scarlet (I actually had to look her up and I don't even remember her being in the last issue) battling the Extremists:
Page 6 of Convergence: Batman and Robin #2 from DC Comics
Jason and Damien bond after the latter saves the former from falling off a building. Bruce even gets emotional and hugs his son. Superman shows up at the end talks with Batman about their fathers. The issue was okay but nothing really to get excited about.

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Convergence: Superman #2

Convergence: Superman #2 (July 2015) has a good cover with Lois Lane about to give birth with the Flashpoint Batman looking down upon her and Superman:
Cover of Convergence: Superman #2 from DC Comics
This issue feels more like an issue of World's Finest even with the Flashpoint versions.

The best part of this issue is the birth of Jonathan Samuel Kent:
Page 21 of Convergence: Superman #2 from DC Comics
I would like to see this version of Superman and Lois Lane continue.

Friday, May 08, 2015

Froot Loops With Avengers Age of Ultron Flyer

For the last month I have been eating Kellogg's Foot Loops since it actually came with one of four Avengers: Age of Ultron flyer. This is a big box measuring in at 13 1/2" x 9 1/2" and I didn't eat the cereal every morning. I'm used to eating the cheaper Fruit Rings from Great Value but I just had to get this for the toy surprise inside.
Front of Froot Loops box with Avengers Age of Ultron Flyer
The back actually has targets that you can cut out to play the Target Takedown game. They are pretty small and I doubt that I could hit any of them with the flyer.
Front of Froot Loops box with Avengers Age of Ultron Flyer
The flyer itself actually came in two bags but I only snapped a picture of it inside the inner one. They both were hard to open.
Avengers Age of Ultron flyer still in package
I'm thinking this is the second Avengers: Age of Ultron flyer since it's the second one from the team flyer shown on the back of the Froot Loops cereal box. It has artwork featuring Iron Man and Captain America on it. Basically, the 7 1/4" diameter flyer is nylon with a flexible plastic rim.
Front of Avengers Age of Ultron flyer
I doubt that I will try to get the set even though the Black Widow and Hawkeye flyer looks sweet.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

CW Orders DC's Legends of Tomorrow Series

The Flash and Green Arrow spinoff tv series not only gets a name but it also gets a series order according to CW orders Flash-Arrow spinoff DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Julie Plec outbreak drama, more. DC's Legends of Tomorrow will feature Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill), Ray Palmer aka the Atom (Brandon Routh), Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller), Mick Rory aka Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell), Martin Stein aka half of Firestorm (Victor Garber), Kendra Saunders aka Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee), Jay Jackson (Franz Drameh) and unnamed heroine that may or may not be Sarah Lance (Caity Lotz).

Convergence #5

The cover of Convergence #5 (July 2015) features Travis Morgan aka the Warlord battling Deimos:
Cover of Convergence #5 from DC Comics
The story picks up from last issue in the dungeon of Castle Deimos in Skartaris. Deimos tells Telos that he is nothing but a man that Brainiac forced into eternal servitude to save his family and people. Dick Grayson of Earth 2 is the only one who can see that the alien can help them.

On the way to the castle, the Warlord and his wife, Tara, battle lizard men. One impales the Queen of Shamballah with his sword:
Page 8 of Convergence #5 from DC Comics
Unfortunately, Tara's death is just one of three in this issue. Deimos rips Machiste's heart out a few pages later.
Page 10 of Convergence #5 from DC Comics
The Superman of Earth 2 grapples with Deimos while the others try to talk Telos into helping them.

The Warlord kills the attacking lizard men and kisses the dying Tara. He tells her that he will return with help or join her soon.

Deimos has the defeated Superman of Earth 2 in his hand while the other superheroes stand around not sure of what to do. He banishes Brainiac moments before the Warlord breaks through the wall riding a triceratops. Unfortunately, Deimos is so full of power that he easily defeats him and turns him to dust.
Page 21 of Convergence #5 from DC Comics
The castle starts collapsing and all the superheroes except Yolanda make it out. Deimos offers her his hand and a chance to save herself. She accepts and the pair disappear together.

Dick Grayson of Earth 2 finds a batarang in the rubble and then makes the symbol of the bat on his chest. This moment was coming for some time but it was still great to see it.

Deimos and Yolanda appear in Brainiac's former occupation chamber. He tells her that she will be handy to him since she was there during the first Crisis when she was the Earth 2 Wildcat. He tells the trapped cities on the planet that he banished the being that brought them there and he will protect them for a price.

I love and hate this issue for several reasons. I love the cover and interior artwork. I hate the deaths of Tara and Travis Morgan (I can excuse the death of Machiste to some extent). I love the fact that Dick Grayson of Earth 2 is taking up the mantle of the bat. I hate that most the superheroes just stood around while Deimos did his thing.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Women Wednesday: CBS Officially Greenlights Supergirl Series

Great news for the girl of steel fans with Supergirl Gets Official Series Order From CBS:
Melissa Benoist as Supergirl
Update May 6: Deadline is now reporting that Supergirl has officially been picked up for series with an early order for season one coming just before CBS begins its upfronts, when pilots are shown and programs are given series orders.

Original Story: She's a bird, she's a plane, she could be going to series.

According to Variety, CBS's Supergirl pilot has a "good chance" to be picked up for series.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Convergence: Justice Society of America #1

Convergence: Justice Society of America #1 (June 2015) is a great tribute to the pre-Crisis Earth 2 superhero group consisting of Hawkman, the Flash, Green Lantern and Dr. Fate. The artwork for the cover is okay but not the greatest.
Cover of Convergence: Justice Society of America #1 from DC Comics
The interior artwork really shines:
Page 1 of Convergence: Justice Society of America #1 from DC Comics
The story is also one of the better ones in this big event. The four superheroes are stuck in Metropolis as old men without powers after the dome appears. Jay Garrick aka the Flash visits Kent Nelson aka Dr. Fate in the hospital since he's in a coma. He then visits Carter Hall aka Hawkman and his son, Hector, who is also in Convergence: Infinity Inc. #1., at their rooftop garden. Alan Scott aka Green Lantern calls Jay and tells him to get to the hospital quick. Kent has opened his eyes and then Telos does his speech. The dome disappears and a weapon firing machine attacks the city. The guys thinks it is from Qward the anti matter universe. Kent gets up and tells the rest that they can be superheroes again one last time. Of course, they all accept and regain their youth and powers.m

Monday, May 04, 2015

Convergence: Detective Comics #1

The pre-Crisis Earth 2 Huntress and Robin are on the cover of Convergence: Detective Comics #1 (June, 2015):
Cover of Convergence: Detective Comics #1 from DC Comics
The issue actually starts off with Earth 30 Superman doing a fly over a National Superman Day parade in Moscow when the dome comes down. Then it switches to Dick Grayson aka Robin and Helena Wayna aka the Huntress in the batmobile between Gotham City and Metropolis. They arrive just in time for the dome to come down and trapping them inside. The story goes back and forth between the two trapped cities while they deal with life within the domes.

Once the domes disappear, Robin and the Huntress are teleported to Moscow while in the batmobile. They meet the Russian Superman with different attitudes. Robin just wants to talk while the Huntress wants to attack. Superman wants to talk too but things takes a turn for the worse when she tries to flee in the batmobile.
Page 22 of Convergence: Detective Comics #1 from DC Comics
While I love seeing Robin's hybrid costume, the artwork is a bit muddled for me.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Suicide Squad Movie Cast In Costume

Here's the cast from Suicide Squad movie minus the Joker from 'Suicide Squad' suits up for the first costumed cast photo:
Suicide Squad movie cast in costume
From left to right, the lineup shows Adam Beach as Slipknot, Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang, Cara Delevingne as Enchantress, Karen Fukuhara down in front as Katana, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flagg, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Will Smith as Deadshot, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Killer Croc and Jay Hernandez as El Diablo.

The only ones I'm really interested at this moment are Enchantress and Katana. I'm sort of interested in Harley Quinn but I'm not digging this version of her so far.

Saturday, May 02, 2015

Convergence: Action Comics #1

The cover of Convergence: Action Comics #1 (June 2015) features Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman and Superman from Earth 30 (the official home of characters in the Superman: Red Son mini-series) along with Superman, Power Girl and Lois Lane from pre-Crisis Earth 2. The story actually switches back and forth between Moscow and Metropolis.
Cover of Convergence: Action Comics #1 from DC Comics
My favorite part of this issue is Power Girl. She has been shacking up with Andrew for the past year while under the dome. The loss of her superpowers has not been kind to her since she is gaining weight and having health issues that we all have. She flashbacks to her glory days of fighting the likes of the Ultra-Humanite and Solomon Grundy:
Page 15 of Convergence: Action Comics #1 from DC Comics
I have always been a fan of the pre-Crisis Earth 2 so this is one of my favorite issues in the Convergence event. I wish all of the other issues would have switched back and forth between the two cities that are going to do battle with each other.

Friday, May 01, 2015

Convergence #4

The cover of Convergence #4 (June 2015) features the nu52 Justice Society of Earth 2 facing Deimos and Telos. They realize that they trusted the wrong person a little too late while the latter gets very interested in Dick Grayson at the start.
Cover of Convergence #4 from DC Comics
The best part of the issue for me is the return of Travis Morgan aka the Warlord. He is fighting lizard men with his wife, Tara:
Warlord fighting lizard men in Convergence #4 from DC Comics