Thursday, October 17, 2024

Countdown to Halloween 2024 Day 17: Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay #1 and #2

Somehow I missed Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay #1 that came out last month. The cover features zombified Black Widow, Iron Man and Captain America attacking Groot. I should have known that something was up when I saw the words "All Ages" in the lower right corner. The blood was toned way down for a Marvel Zombies title. Rocket Racoon and Groot are guests at the Raft island prison when the Avengers show up with General Ross to spring them. Groot is sniffling and Rocket thinks he has a cold. Groot sneezes on Captain America and a big blob on snot lands on his face. Yep, you guessed it for he is the first to turn into a zombie and he attacks his fellow Avengers. Captain America bites Black Widow, who in turn bites Iron Man.

Thor starts throwing his hammer around inside the quinjet making matters worse. Rocket Raccoon gets sucked out of a hole punctured by Thor's hammer and Groot fails to save him. Groot then has to save Bruce Banner from the zombified Avengers before they both go out the hole. They find themselves facing civilians that has also turned into zombies. Bruce hits himself with a brick to change himself into the Hulk.

The cover of Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay #2 features Thor reaching for his hammer while zombies are advancing on him from behind. The issue starts with Groot and Hulk talking. That ends with the Hulk wanting to find Space Skunk (Rocket Raccoon). Zombies try to bite Hulk then he's attacked by Thor, who is trying to fight the mutated zombie virus. Hulk and Thor battle while Groot tries to keep them from killing each other. He finally knocks out the Hulk by choking him. Hulk turns back into Bruce. Groot picks him up and they head down into the subway, where he hears cries for help.

Overall, the first two issues of Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay makes for interesting reads. The artwork is actually pretty good for an All Ages title. It's interesting to see flowers coming out of the zombies instead of blood and dangling eyeballs.

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