Saturday, February 29, 2020

Stickers For Leap Day

I've been saving my quarters since Christmas for the local vending machines with stickers and temporary tattoos. Since today is leap day, I decided to try my luck at the only store in town that has them. Unfortunately, the machines with the Pocket Patches and the temporary tattoos were both jammed. Luckily, the Mystery Machine was still working and it was only a quarter while the others were fifty cents. I ended up with 13 stickers including four Marvel Avengers (#1 is Captain America, #6 is Avengers Assemble, #7 is Loki and #11 is Ant-Man that are my first ones of this set), the first Need4Speed sticker (I have others in the series), two Pocket Patches fabric tattoos (#3 and 6), Pet Shop Sticker #9 (Mousestache), Trolls #5 and the first four UglyDolls stickers.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Marvel Avengers Milk Chocolate Hearts Box

This small Marvel Avengers Milk Chocolate Hearts Box was originally sold for a dollar at the local Walmart's this year but I picked it up for half price this Sunday. There were six red foil wrapped milk chocolate hearts inside. The front of the box when folded was the heart that included full color drawings of Captain America, Ms. Marvel and Iron Man. The lower left side of the box features the Hulk and an actual image of a milk chocolate heart.

The upper left of the box features Black Panther while the upper right features Thor. Both sides also includes a photo of a milk chocolate heart. Thor's side is also the opening while Black Panther's side is glued shut (I took it apart for easier scanning).

Friday, February 14, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 14: Star Trek Year Five Valentine's Day Special

Happy Valentine's Day! IDW Publishing released Star Trek: Year Five: Valentine's Day Special on February 12, 2020.

"James T. Kirk has had many loves during his mission among the stars, but this time he may have met his match in fellow Starfleet Captain Laura Rhone. This special story by award-winning writer of prose, comics, and television Paul Cornell (Doctor Who) takes Captain Kirk to where he has never gone before!"

The alternate cover features Mr. Spock playing his lute:

This issue also includes a special pin-up of the cover featuring Captain James T. Kirk and Cpatain Laura Rhone:

As an added bonus, there is even a Valentine card featuring Mr. Spock playing his lute as seen on the alternate cover:

This wraps up this year's Countdown to Valentine's Day at Moongem Comics I hope you enjoyed the posts as much as I did.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 13: Vampirella Valentine's Day Special #1

Dynamite Entertainment published Vampirella: Valentine's Day Special #1 on February 13, 2019.

"Mardi Gras may still be a couple weeks away, but that doesn’t mean spirits aren’t stirring! Valentine’s Day is New Orlean’s version of Halloween—the one day a year that's a supernatural free-for-all, when all the ghosts and ghoulies come out to feast on the spirits and flesh of horny tourists. Let’s just say there’s going to be big trouble in the Big Easy!"

Stories include:
Vampirella meets a very interesting Cajun named Val in "Happy Valentine's Day"
"Matinee" (originally published in Vampirella Summer Special #1 in 2005)

Special note: Today is my fifty-fifth birthday.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 12: Wonder Woman Valentines With Rub On Transfers

I found the only box of Wonder Woman 16 Valentines With 16 Rub On Transfers that the local Dollar Tree had on the shelf about two weeks ago. I'm not exactly sure when they originally came out but I'm guessing either last year or the year before. Wonder Woman is wearing her movie costume and the artwork looks a lot like Gal Gadot.

Unfortunately, the upper left corner of the box is a bit damaged and there is obviously a line cut by a knife on the bottom half. I'm not complaining because it was only a dollar and it was the only one the store had.

The back of the box displays the four different Valentine's Day cards, a sample of the card backs and a sheet of the eight rub on transfers:

There are two sheets of eight rub on transfers that each measures 2-1/4" x 2-1/4". They are mostly different designs of her logo with different words like love, strength and warrior. Three of the transfers actually has Wonder Woman. Unfortunately, the bottoms of the transfers are separating from plastic and are a bit curled. At least, they still have vibrant colors.

The Wonder Woman Valentines are huge measuring at 5" x 4-1/4". The first two feature artwork of Wonder Woman with her sword and shield:

The back of the first Wonder Woman Valentine's Day card is basically the same artwork as the front but from a distance. The back of the second one is the same pose from the front of the box.

The third Valentine features Wonder Woman on a horse with her sword drawn. The fourth card is extra long at 6-1/4" and features her again with her sword and shield (she must be attacking Steve Trevor after he gave her the wrong Valentine's Day gift).

The back of the third card features her on a horse again but with a different view. The final Valentine card features Wonder Woman in her classic arms crossed posed.

I like artwork on these Wonder Woman Valentines With Rub On Transfers. I'm a little surprised that a sheet of red heart-shaped stickers was not included since all the other boxes that I picked up did have them. Maybe a sheet of shield stickers would have been more appropriate.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 11: Marvel Valentine Special #1

Marvel Comics published Marvel Valentine Special in 1997 "featuring love stories from your favorite Marvel couples! Guest-starring the Goddess of Love, Venus!."

Stories include:
Mary Jane Watson and Spider-Man in "My Fair Spidey"
Daredevil in "Love Hurts"
Venus in "Atom-Age Amore"
Absorbing Man and Titania in "The Greatest Gift"
Cyclops and Phoenix in "The Way!"

Monday, February 10, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 10: Mysteries of Love in Space #1

DC Comics published Mysteries of Love in Space #1 on January 30, 2019 to celebrate Valentine's Day.

"Sometimes love can make you feel like you’re from another planet...but what if you actually were? Join Superman, The New Gods, Green Lantern, Starro, Hawkgirl and even the Teen Titans’ new sensation Crush for eight tales of romance that will whisk you to the moon and back!"

Stories include:
The New Gods in "An Apokoliptian Love Story"
Kilowog in "Old Scars, Fresh Wounds"
Bizarro in "Backward Heart"
Hawkgirl in "Galentine's Day"
Space Cabbie in "GPS I Love You"
Crush in "Crushed"
Lois Lane and Superman in "Glasses"
Adam Strange in "The Planet and the Pendulum" (originally printed in Showcase #17)

Sunday, February 09, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 9: Harley Quinn's Valentine's Day Special #1

DC Comics released Harley Quinn's Valentine's Day Special on February 11, 2015.

"Love is in the air in New York City! The planet’s richest bachelor, Bruce Wayne, is in town for a charity auction – and the highest bidder gets a date with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Brooding! Good thing Harley Quinn just came into some money (please, whatever you do, don’t ask how). But can Bruce really spend a night with Harley without her learning how he spends his nights?"

There are four different covers:

Saturday, February 08, 2020

Countdown to Halloween 2020 Day 8: Young Romance: The New 52 Valentine's Day Special #1

DC Comics published Young Romance: The New 52 Valentine's Day Special in 2013.

Stories include:
Catwoman and Batman in "Think it Through"
Aquaman and Mera in "The Lighthouse"
Batgirl in "Dreamer"
Apollo and Midnighter in "Seoul Brothers"
Nightwing and Ursa Minor in "Another Saturday Night"
Superman and Wonder Woman in "Truth or Dare"

As an added bonus, there are 18 Valentine's Day cards featuring Shazam, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Animal Man, Jonah Hex, Vibe, Superman, Batman, Aquman, Swamp Thing, Robin, Catwoman, Flash, Cyborg, Nightwing, Batgirl and The New 52 (Mera should have gotten her own card instead). Here are the front of the cards:

Here are the backs:

Friday, February 07, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 7: Young Monsters In Love #1

DC Comics released Young Monsters In Love on February 7, 2018:

"It’s hard being a monster…and even harder being a monster in love. Sparks will fly and hearts will be broken when the ghouls and ghosts of the DC Universe assemble to bring you the Valentine’s Day Special that no one saw coming!"

Stories include:
Man-Bat in "Nocturnal Animal"
Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. in "Pieces of Me"
Solomon Grundy in "Buried On Sunday"
Raven in "The Dead Can Dance"
Deadman in "Be My Valentine" (note: Harley Quinn appears only on a Valentine's Day card)
Swamp Thing in "Heart-Shaped Box"
Monsieur Mallah and The Brain in "Visibility"
I, Vampire in "The Turning of Deborah Dancer"
The Demon in "To Hell and Gone"
The Creature Commandos in "Dear Velcoro"

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 6: DC's Crimes of Passion #1

DC Comics released DC's Crimes of Passion #1 on February 5, 2020.

"Passion. Betrayal. Murder. When you’re a private investigator, these are things you experience daily. But when you add capes to the mix-like Batman, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn? Things get even messier. The name’s Slam Bradley, and I’m telling you that this year’s Valentine’s Day special has more intrigue than you can shake a stick at. Ten tales of love-the kind of love that can push people over the edge. Don’t miss it...or I’ll make you pay."

Stories include:
The Batman in "More Than Maybe"
Wildcat in "Pulling Punches"
Pied Piper in "Secret Admirer"
Green Arrow and Black Canary in "The Crimson Bomber"
Plastic Man in "The Prettiest Thing"
Batwoman in "Out of the Past"
Slam Bradley in "One Last Dance"
Nightwing and Batgirl in "(K)night Falls In Blüdhaven"
Catwoman in "Can't Buy Me Love"
The Question in "Reflections of the Heart"

Cover A features Batman catching Catwoman in Nightwing's arms:

Cover B features Batgirl in the arms of Nightwing (he sure gets around):

The back cover features silhouettes of the Joker and Harley Quinn:

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 5: Spider-Verse Vudu Valentine

I found this free Vudu Valentines offer in my inbox earlier today. You fill out a form to send a free movie themed Valentine’s Day card by mail. You must make your request by February 9 to get it mailed out in time. Besides the Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse card, you can also choose from John Wick, Pennywise, Joker, Pikachu and more. Here's a screenshot of the card featuring Peter Parker without his Spider-Man mask, Gwen Stacy as Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales:

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 4: Marvel Spider-Man 32 Valentines

This box of Marvel Spider-Man 32 Valentines was also picked up at the local Dollar General last week for a dollar. The contents include four strips of eight cards and a sheet of red heart-shaped stickers. The front of the box shows Spider-Man getting ready to shoot his webbing at you:

The back of the box shows all eight card fronts plus a sampling of the backs:

Peter Parker in the usual blue and red wallcrawler costume is featured on the first two and fourth cards while Miles Morales in the dark colored Ultimate Spider-Man costume is featured on the third card:

The back of the cards are pretty simple with the Spider-Man logo and two round faded face symbols:

Gwen Stacy as Spider-Gwen is featured on the fifth card while Peter Park as Spider-Man is on the sixth and seventh cards. Spider-Gwen, Parker's Spider-Man and Morales's Ultimate Spider-Man is all featured on the extra-wide eighth card:

Peter Parker as Spider-Man appears on the back of the extra-wide card in two different poses:

I like this set and was surprised by the guest appearance of Spider-Gwen and the Miles Morales. I was glad that no villains appeared in this set even though I wouldn't mind seeing Black Cat pop up.

Monday, February 03, 2020

Countdown to Valentine's Day 2020 Day 3: Justice League 32 Valentines

This box of Justice League 32 Valentines was picked up last week at the local Dollar General store for a dollar. The contents include four strips of eight cards and a sheet of red heart-shaped stickers. The front of the box features Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman.

The back of the box displays the eight different cards plus the back of the extra wide card:

The first four Justice League Valentines include Aquaman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Cyborg and Flash (Barry Allen):

The backs of the Justice League Valentines are pretty simple:

The last four Justice League Valentines features Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman with Superman. Batman goes solo on the extra wide card (a group shot would have made more sense):

Aquaman and Cyborg make a guest appearance on the back of the extra wide card:

The artwork for the Justice League 32 Valentines is not bad but not great either. However, I noticed that Wonder Woman is wearing a cape on the front of the box but not on her individual Valentine card. Also, Batman and Superman are not wearing their briefs so this makes the Justice League shown here the New 52 version.