Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Women Wednesday: Hit It Rich Bettie Page

Since this is the last Women Wednesday post of 2014, I thought I would share some screenshots of the new Hit It Rich Bettie Page slot game that I have been playing for the past few days on Facebook. It's open to play for a limited time (otherwise you have to be a vip at level 125 to play and I'm currently at 65). The minimum bet is $1,200 (I can go up to $6,000 due to my level) but I have been losing more than I have been winning.
Title screen of Hit It Rich Bettie Page game
This is the very first screenshot of the actual game when I first played:
Screenshot #1 of Hit It Rich Bettie Page game
Here is another screenshot of the actual game after playing a few rounds:
Screenshot #2 of Hit It Rich Bettie Page game
Here is a special offer for Hit It Rich Battie Page game players:
Special offer for Hit It Rich Bettie Page game players
Wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year's Eve.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happy 92nd Birthday To Stan Lee

Since today is Stan Lee's 92nd birthday, I thought I would post a picture of him holding a copy of the 75 Years of Marvel Comics: From the Golden Age to the Silver Screen hardcover book by Roy Thomas and Josh Baker:
Stan Lee holding 75 Years of Marvel Comics: From the Golden Age to the Silver Screen hardcover book by Roy Thomas and Josh Baker

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014 Haul: Monster Cereal Hot Wheels

In addition to the annual receiving of boring gray socks, multicolored boxer briefs and white t-shirts, I received two Monster Cereal Hot Wheels from 2013.

One is Boo Berry's Mig Rig:
Front of Boo Berry's Mig Rig from Hot Wheels
Close up of Boo Berry's Mig Rig from Hot Wheels
The other one is Frute Brute's Smokin' Grille:
Front of Frute Brute's Smokin' Grille from Hot Wheels
Close up of Frute Brute's Smokin' Grille from Hot Wheels
Here is what the backs looks like and this is actually the third wave of General Mills Hot Wheels made in 2013 but released in 2014. Shown are Frute Brute's Smokin' Grille, Cocoa Puffs' Texas Drive 'Em, Lucky Charms' Ford F-150, Boo Berry's Mig Rig, Count Chocula's '59 Chevy Delivery and Trix's Custom '62 Chevy (sorry for the blurry picture):
Back of General Mills Cereal Hot Wheels

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014: Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2

Merry Christmas and as a special treat, here is a special peek at Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2 (February 2015):
Cover of Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2
Jason Todd aka Red Hood, Princess Koriand'r aka Starfire and Roy Harper as Arsenal start out as little kids:
Page 1 of Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2
"...Yule Be DEAD For Christmas!" is the story's title:
Pages 2 and 3 of Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2
A special pin-up page featuring Red Hood and the Outlaws with Batman as special guest star:
Page 16 of Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2
The first three chapters are the best since they take a wicked look at Christmas while the fourth and final chapter has a nice twist that explains the weirdness. I almost passed this one up since I thought it would all be doom and gloom. I was surprised at the fun that it poked at Christmas plus having Batman in a cameo was great too. Even if you are not a fan of the series, I would recommend picking up Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Countdown 2014 Day 4: DC Super Star Holiday Special Part 2

Today's Christmas Countdown 2014 continues the look at DC Super Star Holiday Special (Spring 1980).

The House of Mystery story is actually three short stories told by the horror hosts at DC Comics. The three witch sisters (Morded, Mildred, and Cynthia) from The Witching Hour tells one followed by Cain telling another. Destiny from Secrets of Haunted House breaks in to tell a story. The Phantom Stranger and Madame Xanadu shows up after everyone starts bickering. Poor Abel never gets to tell his tale.
The House of Mystery from DC Super Star Holiday Special
Sgt. Rock of Easy Company in "The Longest Night!":
Sgt Rock of Easy Company in The Longest Night! from DC Super Star Holiday Special
Finally, the Legion of Super-Heroes are featured in "Star Light, Star Bright... Farthest Star I See Tonight!":
First page of the Legion of Super-Heroes in Star Light, Star Bright... Farthest Star I See Tonight! from DC Super Star Holiday Special
I love the last panel with Superboy and the Legionnaires gathered around a Christmas tree:
Last page of the Legion of Super-Heroes in Star Light, Star Bright... Farthest Star I See Tonight! from DC Super Star Holiday Special
Wishing everyone a safe and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Countdown 2014 Day 3: DC Super Star Holiday Special Part 1

DC Super Star Holiday Special (Spring 1980) is filled with a variety of Christmas-themed stories that covers different genres that DC Comics published at that time from war and westerns to horror and superheroes. Just look at the cool cover:
Cover of DC Super Star Holiday Special from DC Comics
The first page is an introduction featuring the Three Wise Men and the Star of Bethlehem that sort of ties all the stories together:
Three Wise Men and the Star of Bethlehem from DC Super Star Holiday Special
The first story features Jonah Hex in "The Fawn and the Star":
Jonah Hex in The Fawn and the Star from DC Super Star Holiday Special
The second story in DC Super Star Holiday Special is Batman in "Wanted: Santa Claus -- Dead or Alive!":
Batman in Wanted: Santa Clause -- Dead or Alive! from DC Super Star Holiday Special
To be continued...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Countdown 2014 Day 2: Archie & Friends Double Digest #22

Archie & Friends Double Digest #22 (January 2013) is a Christmas-themed issue. There are only a handful of actual holiday stories along with some New Year's Eve stories. Here is the cover:
Cover of Kissless Christmas from Archie & Friends Double Digest #22 from Archie Comics
Here is the entire five page story "Kissless Christmas" that features Archie, Jughead, Moose, Reggie, Ethel, Betty, Veronica and few of their other friends:
Page 1 of Kissless Christmas from Archie & Friends Double Digest #22 from Archie Comics
Page 2 of Kissless Christmas from Archie & Friends Double Digest #22 from Archie Comics
Page 3 of Kissless Christmas from Archie & Friends Double Digest #22 from Archie Comics
Page 4 of Kissless Christmas from Archie & Friends Double Digest #22 from Archie Comics
Page 5 of Kissless Christmas from Archie & Friends Double Digest #22 from Archie Comics

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Countdown 2014 Day 1: Jughead Double Digest #197

I'm doing a very short Christmas Countdown this year since my heart is not really into the holiday spirit since the store where I'm working at will be closing soon. Anyway, here is the cover of Jughead Double Digest #197 (January 2015):
Cover to Jughead Double Digest #197 from Archie Comics
The entire digest is not cram packed with Christmas stories like I was expecting but there were some goodies found such as this one page featuring Jughead, Midge and Moose:
Jughead, Midge and Moose in Aid Charade from Jughead Double Digest #197

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Vending Machine Batman String Doll

Today is a sad day for me since the vending machines at the store that I work at are all gone. They were there yesterday when I left but they were gone when I went in this morning. I already posted about the vending machine Green Lantern string doll that I mistakenly called a puppet. I did manage to snag a Batman string doll out of that same vending machine for seventy-five cents a few weeks ago. I have been meaning to post pictures of it for a while but then my old computer died so here they are finally.
Batman string doll still in vending machine capsule
Front of vending machine Batman string doll
Back of vending machine Batman string doll
The occult number on his tag is 152875.

Sadly, there is only one store left in town that still has vending machines and that's Dillons grocery store. Looks like I need to check them out with a roll of quarters before they are gone too.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Women Wednesday: Viola Davis Cast As Amanda Waller In Suicide Squad Movie

Viola Davis is rumored to have been cast as Amanda Waller in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie according to this article at Comics Alliance.
Viola Davis cast as Amanda Waller in Suicide Squad movie
I hope it's true because Opah Winfrey in the role would just be too much.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Incredible Hulk Temporary Tattoos From 2008

I received a Canon PIXMA MG2900 printer, copier and scanner as an early Christmas present earlier today to replace my Lezmark z25 printer and Canon flatbed scanner. To test out the scanner function, I scanned the Incredible Hulk Temporary Tattoos that I purchased a few weeks ago but never got around to scanning. The contents include two sheets with each having six temporary tattoos based on the movie. That's a total of twelve fake tats instead of ten that the package states. Three are actually full poses of the green goliath was the other three are logo related. The original price was $1.49 but I got it on clearance for fifty cents. They are still sealed and I doubt that I will ever open them let alone use them.
Front of Incredible Hulk Temporary Tattoos from 2008
Back of Incredible Hulk Temporary Tattoos from 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Women Wednesday: Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1

This week's Women Wednesday is a bit later than I expected it to be since I had to purchase a new computer today. My beloved Compaq Presario died without a chance of recovery. I lost some important files but most of all I lost several favorite programs. Now I'm using an Aspire X so I went from Windows XP to 8.1. Anyhow, here is the cover to Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1 from DC Comics:
Cover of Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1 from DC Comics

Monday, December 08, 2014

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Official Suicide Squad Movie Line Up

According to this Blastr article, the official line up for the live action Suicide Squad movie has been cast with Will Smith as Deadshot, Tom Hardy as Rick Flag, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney as Boomerang, Cara Delevingne as Enchantress and Jared Leto as the Joker. I'm not really sure why we need this movie when there are still so many other characters from DC Comics that I would rather see on the big screen.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hallmark Iron Man Party Cup

This Iron Man party cup from Hallmark is the last one that I recently picked up at the retail store where I work. The interior is yellow and the background is yellow. I also noticed that is printed under the Marvel logo (it's also on the Hallmark Hulk party cup that I posted yesterday but is very hard to read).
First picture of Hallmark Iron Man party cup
Second picture of Hallmark Iron Man party cup
Third picture of Hallmark Iron Man party cup

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Hallmark Hulk Party Cup

Yet another Hallmark party cup that I recently picked up for eighty cents. This one has the Hulk from the comics and a green interior.
First picture of Hallmark Hulk party cup
Second picture of Hallmark Hulk party cup
Third picture of Hallmark Hulk party cup
Update: is written underneath the Marvel logo but is very hard to read.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Marvel Avengers Thor Party Cup

I picked up this Marvel Avengers Thor party cup from Dynamic Drinkware for eighty cents instead of the regular dollar price. It belongs with the Black Widow party cup and the Captain America party cup. The interior is orange, which is an odd choice considering that his cape is red. There are two drawn images of Chris Hemsworth as Thor from the movie and an image of the Avengers circle A logo.

The first drawn image of Chris Hemsworth as Thor:
First picture of Marvel Avengers Thor party cup
The Avengers circle A logo has lightning bolts inside it:
Second picture of Marvel Avengers Thor party cup featuring circle A logo
The second drawn image of Chris Hemsworth as Thor:
Third picture of Marvel Avengers Thor party cup