Saturday, January 15, 2011

TFAW Grab Bag #40: Star Wars: Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika #3, #4 and #5

The variant of Dark Horse's Star Wars: Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika #3 (February 2001) features a photo of Harrison Ford as Han Solo. The adventure is fun but I am not crazy about the interior art by Carlos Meglia. I received eight copies of this issue in the grab bag from TFAW.
Photo cover of Star Wars: Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika #3 from Dark Horse
I also received one copy of Star Wars: Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika #4 (April 2001). Shame that Andrew Robinson and Dave Stewart only did the cover artwork.
Cover of Star Wars: Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika #4 from Dark Horse
I also received six copies of the photo cover variant of #4.
Photo cover of Star Wars: Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika #5 from Dark Horse
Finally, I received one copy of Star Wars: Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika #5 (June 2001). I am not a big fan of the cover by Carlos Meglia.
Cover of Star Wars: Underworld - The Yavin Vassilika #5 from Dark Horse

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