Saturday, May 01, 2010

Thrift Store Find: Spider-Man DVDs And Switchplate

I found two Spider-Man DVDs at one thrift store this morning for three dollars each. Daredevil vs. Spider-Man is from 2003 and the extras include "King Pinned" from 1966, a Fantastic Four episode featuring Daredevil and Stan Lee's Soapbox. Spider-Man: The Venom Saga is from 2005 and the extras include Stan Lee's Soapbox, five exclusive episode introductions by Stan Lee and "The Venomous Web" that reveals Venom's origins by his creators.
Daredevil vs Spider-Man and Spider-Man The Venom Saga DVDs
At another thrift store, I found a plastic Spider-Man switch plate for fifty cents. The screws were included in the baggie.
Spider-Man switch plate

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