Friday, December 30, 2011

Comic Review: Space-Time Condominium Season One

Space-Time Condominium Season One is a collection of Dave Dwonch's webcomic published by Action Lab Entertainment. Basically, the story is about a reality show with the contestants being the same person but from parallel worlds tossed together on condo outside of the space time continuum. The Gatekeeper is a scientist that brings them all together. The humor is a mixed bag since there is a "normal" Griffin from 1985, Griffin the uptight computer programmer, Griffin the white trash alcoholic, Griffin the flamboyant aerobics instructor and Griffin from a world where white people think they are black. My favorite part is when the tough female version named Griffine is introduced to the rest of the contestants. Overall, I give Space-Time Condominium Season One a solid C since most of the jokes fall flat for me and Griffene is just not enough to keep me interested and the cow version of Griffin was really lame.
Cover of Space-Time Condominium Season One from Action Lab Entertainment
Page 15 of Space-Time Condominium Season One from Action Lab Entertainment
Page 16 of Space-Time Condominium Season One from Action Lab Entertainment

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