Friday, December 30, 2011

Comic Review: Space-Time Condominium Season One

Space-Time Condominium Season One is a collection of Dave Dwonch's webcomic published by Action Lab Entertainment. Basically, the story is about a reality show with the contestants being the same person but from parallel worlds tossed together on condo outside of the space time continuum. The Gatekeeper is a scientist that brings them all together. The humor is a mixed bag since there is a "normal" Griffin from 1985, Griffin the uptight computer programmer, Griffin the white trash alcoholic, Griffin the flamboyant aerobics instructor and Griffin from a world where white people think they are black. My favorite part is when the tough female version named Griffine is introduced to the rest of the contestants. Overall, I give Space-Time Condominium Season One a solid C since most of the jokes fall flat for me and Griffene is just not enough to keep me interested and the cow version of Griffin was really lame.
Cover of Space-Time Condominium Season One from Action Lab Entertainment
Page 15 of Space-Time Condominium Season One from Action Lab Entertainment
Page 16 of Space-Time Condominium Season One from Action Lab Entertainment

Thursday, December 29, 2011

T-Shirt Thursday: Green Lantern Distressed Logo T-Shirt

I received a Green Lantern distressed logo t-shirt for Christmas this year. The gifter left the original price tag on that showed the price for $9.98 and the sale price tag of $7.00 (nice deal there). The round tag reads "This garment is unique, no two are alike."
Green Lantern distressed logo t-shirt

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Women Wednesday: Yaya Han As Wonder Woman

Yaya Han is a costume designer, model and cosplayer. She has dressed up as a variety of women from fantasy and science fiction. Below is just a sample of her in costume as Wonder Woman but you can view more pictures at her official website.
Yaya Han crouching as Wonder Woman
Yaya Han as Wonder Woman with sword
Back side of of Yaya Han as Wonder Woman with sword and shield

Monday, December 26, 2011

Thor PEZ Candy Dispenser

I received a Thor PEZ candy dispenser for Christmas this year. He has a stern look, long hair and wings attached to his helmet. His body is black and he does have feet. What is really amazing is that the package is the bubble on card version instead of the bagged version. Unfortunately, the top of the card has been bent a little but that is okay since it gives it a battle scar.
Front of the Thor Pez candy dispenser package
The back of the card actually has the words "Gluten Free" along with instructions on how to fill the dispenser, nutrition facts and ingredients.
Back of the Thor Pez candy dispenser package
The picture of the loose Thor PEZ dispenser is not mine since I have yet to take him out of the package. I am tempted to rip him open so I can eat the Grape, Raspberry and Raspberry-Lemon candy. On second thought, maybe not for I have never tried that third flavor and it sounds a little scary.
Loose Thor PEZ dispenser

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Free Speed of Santa Card At Superhero City

Christmas Eve is the perfect time for Superhero City to release The Speed of Santa card:
Free Speed of Santa card at Superhero City
Merry Christmas to one all from Moongem Comics.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Special Edition Cards At Superhero City

I love these Christmas Special Edition cards available only at Superhero City. My favorite of the trio has to be Miserly Ice-King.
Christmas Special Edition cards at Superhero City

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Women Wednesday: Paul Dini's Jingle Belle

Paul Dini's Jingle Belle Gift-Wrapped (December 2011) one shot special from Image Comics hit the shelves on December 14 this year. For those not in the know, she is Santa's spoiled teenage daughter and first appeared in Oni Double Feature #13 (Summer 1999). She moved to Dark Horse Comics from 2004 to 2007 before moving to Image Comics's Top Cow Productions in 2008. Jingle Belle has her own website here.
Cover of Paul Dini's Jingle Belle Gift-Wrapped one shot special from Image Comics
Page 8 of Paul Dini's Jingle Belle Gift-Wrapped one shot special from Image Comics

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Multiverse Coming To America

Britain's leading comic magazine, Multiverse, is coming to America in February 2012. The first full-color American issue will be sixty-eight pages, retail for $4.99 and is offered in the current issue of Previews on page 239. Mike Conroy is the publisher and editor of the comic magazine and states that the comic magazine "occupies the middle ground between the late Wizard and the moved-to-another-plane Comics Journal." The American version of Multiverse will be published by Hell Freezes Over in conjunction with Ardden Entertainment.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Comic Review: Ehmm Theory #2

The beginning of Ehmm Theory #2 from Lost Story Studios is a flashback to 1982 where Aaron Ehmm, Gabriel's father, is a college student full of ideas. He catches the attention of two Russian sisters, Dominika and Alyona Tarasov. The scene shifts to the present with Gabriel Ehmm and his talking kitten, Mr. Whispers, riding in a car with Alyona, who is telling the story. She tells him of Lanny, the night shift janitor that was once in the military. He told Aaron and the sisters of an expedition to the South Pole where the team encountered a talking rabbit. Aaron is intrigued because he had theories of other planes of existence and plans to go to the South Pole.

A giant lobster with machine parts attached to its claws and back attacks the car with Gabriel and Alyona. She retrieves a strange gun with large ammunition from a briefcase. Before she can fire the weapon, two shots are fired elsewhere. Members of G.O.D.D. (Guardians of Dimensional Defense) spring into the battle and take down the giant lobster but Alyyona puts it out of its misery. The team consists of Mindwolf, Thermal Ghost, the Alchemist, the EMP and T.A.M.M.I. (Technologically Advanced Mechanized Military Instrument). The funniest moment is when Mr. Whispers and T.A.M.M.I. gets into an argument. G.O.D.D. wants Gabriel to go with him but Alyona manages to convince him to continue with her. The two teams go their separate ways.

The final scene of Ehmm Theory #2 finds Peter, who gave Gabriel his mission talking to his true boss. Seems that all is not what it appears to be. I will not spoil whom the big boss is but it deepens the mystery of what is really going on in this series.

Cover of Ehmm Theory #2

Page 2 of Ehmm Theory #2

Page 7 of Ehmm Theory #2

The art and story of Ehmm Theory #2 is just as great as the first issue. Brockton McKinney and Larkin Ford are very talented and this book shows that they can keep the momentum going. This issue also gets an A+ from me.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Women Wednesday: Batman: Arkham City Series 2 Catwoman

How many people are really getting the Batman: Arkham City Series 2 Catwoman action figure just to see if the zipper really works?
Batman: Arkham City Series 2 Catwoman
You can view the rest of the figures here.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Defenders Are Back

I have always enjoyed The Defenders and Doctor Strange gathers a new group in the latest incarnation. The Hulk shows up at Stephen's place asking for help. The pair find King Namor, who is looking more alien than ever. The trio quickly finds the Silver Surfer playing in the snow on the Cantabrian Mountains. The quartet finds Betty Ross aka the red She-Hulk after chasing the bulls in Pamplona. Iron Fist in his white and gold costume is the last to be found in China. The art is clean and the story is fast-paced. My only complaint is that I would have enjoyed seeing Doctor Strange wearing his new costume more but I expect that will happen with the second issue.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises: The Legend Ends Movie Poster

So Comics Alliance shared this a few days ago and I am just now posting about it. Bane is not my favorite bat-villain so I am not really all that excited about him being in The Dark Knight Rises. Maybe I will get more thrilled when I see a trailer for the movie.
The Dark Knight Rises: The Legend Ends movie poster

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thrift Store Find: Haunted Coach

Yesterday was my weekly trip to the local thrift stores and I found a Haunted Coach from McDonald's Happy Meal Batman: The Brave and the Bold 2011 series for fifty cents. The car looks cool but does not roll well since the four wheels are non-functioning. There is a thick roller in the bottom and slightly in front of the rear wheels that is used for movement, which does not do very well. I would have enjoyed a pull back and release feature.
Side of Haunted Coach from McDonald's Happy Meal Batman: The Brave and the Bold 2011 series
Front of Haunted Coach from McDonald's Happy Meal Batman: The Brave and the Bold 2011 series
The Haunted Coach originally came packaged with the Spectre and Gentleman Ghost figures that were not found at the thrift store. Hopefully, I will find both soon.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Comic Review: Ehmm Theory #1

From the creators of DeathCurse comes Ehmm Theory #1, a twenty-four page black and white independent comic. Gabriel Ehmm gets killed by his girlfriend and wakes up to find Mr. Whispers, a cute kitten that he had gotten her, talking to him. Saint Peter arrives and explains that he needs to complete tasks before he can get into Purgatory. Technically, he is a ghost but he does not have any special abilities. Ehmm's first task is to find out why midget zombies are being created outside a small carnival town. They are teleported to the graveyard and battle a group of monsters before being saved by an old lady, who mistakes Ehmm as his father, Aaron. She agrees to help find him if he is still on this earth.

Cover of Ehmm Theory #1
Page 4 of Ehmm Theory #1
Page 5 of Ehmm Theory #1
Ehmm Theory #1 by Brockton McKinney and Larkin Ford (Lost Story Studios) is a mix of science fiction (Saint Peter has an actual teleporter) and horror (midget zombies). While Gabriel is the main focus of the series and makes for a great hero, my favorite character is Mr. Whispers, the cute kitten (hey, the only reason why I watch the Shrek movies is for Puss in Boots). I give this issue an A+ because the art and story are both great. I highly recommend that you check out Ehmm Theory #1, which can be purchased at Indy Planet.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Gareb Shamus Resigns From Wizard World

This is kind of sad news since I once enjoyed Wizard magazine. Gareb Shamus resigned from being president and CEO of Wizard World on December 1st. I still have a few issues of the print magazine hidden away somewhere.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Comic Review: DeathCurse #1

If you are looking for an old fashioned horror anthology comic, then check out Death Curse #1 (November 2011) from Lost Story Studio (their website is under new construction and will be back online soon). The thirty-two page black and white independent comic book is hosted by Mr. Latch and The Curse. The pair are even visited by Ms. Haven and her zombie bodyguard, Larry, from The Haven of Horror. This issue has the following stories: "Pack 666", part one of the ongoing "Vacculus", "Parting Out" and the startling secret of Mr. Lotharen Latch in "Storybook Origin". The stories were written by Brockton McKinney and Bo Fader. The artists include Bridgit Scheide, Chris Moreno, Jason Strutz, Larkin Ford and Jonas Britt. Death Curse #1 is rated R for gore and nudity.
Cover of DeathCurse #1 from Lost Story Studio
Page one of DeathCurse #1 from Lost Story Studio
Back cover of DeathCurse #1 from Lost Story Studio
While the stories have a great mixture of horror and humor (my favorite being "Pack 666"), the real fun is the interplay between Latch and Curse. I give the first issue a solid A. If you are a fan of the old EC Comics horror anthologies or DC's The House of Mystery, then you will want to check out DeathCurse #1.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Thrift Store Finds: Robin On Motorcycle

I found this Robin on motorcycle toy a few weeks ago in the same bag that held the Black Manta, Bat-Mite and Batman Robot. He is from the McDonald's Young Justice Happy Meal series that was released earlier this year. The motorcycle does not stand or roll very well since there is only one wheel in the center between the kickstands. The only part of Robin that moves is his head.
Side of Robin on motorcyle from McDonald's Young Justice Happy Meal
Unfortunately, the front of the motorcyle is missing both of the red projectiles.
Front of Robin on motorcyle from McDonald's Young Justice Happy Meal

Friday, December 02, 2011

T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1

T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1 (January 2012) is the start of a mini-series from DC Comics. There is a lot of talking and several characters die in this issue. The art is crisp and the text is readable but the story is so so.
Cover of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1 from DC Comics