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Sunday, February 28, 2010
John Bolton's Halls of Horror #2
Three stories appear in John Bolton's Halls of Horror #2 (June 1985). The first features a caveman named Tumak that leaves his tribe. The second features a version of the Humgoo tale from The Monster Club. The final story is about Father Shandor, a monk turned demon stalker. The stories were scripted by Steve Moore and colored by Tim Smith. John Bolton did the wraparound cover, interior pencils and ink.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Champions #4
Doctor Arcane graces the cover of Champions #4 (November 1986) as drawn by Carol Lay. "The Curse of the Hellfire Crown" story continues with Dennis Mallonee as writer, Chris Marrinan as penciller, Dell Barras as inker, Marcus David as colorist, Carrie Speigle as letterer, Sean Deming as editor and Catherine "Cat" Yronwode was the editor-in-chief. The roleplaying game bonus features include Champions Combat Room #4 and character information for Rose and Malice.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Champions #2
Flare fighting Malice graces the cover of Champions #2 (September 1986) as drawn by Carol Lay, who also did the interior artwork. Dennis Mallonee returns as the writer while Catherine "Cat" Yronwode is back as the editor. The bonus roleplaying game features include Champions Combat Room #2 along with character information on Icestar and the Morbanes.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Champions #1
No, Champions #1 (June 1986) is not the group from Marvel Comics but is actually based on characters from the super hero roleplaying game of the same name. The six isssue mini-series was published by Eclipse Comics. The cover features Flare, Icestar, Marksman, Geo-Force...er, Giant and Rose. The cover artist was Carol Lay, who also inked and penciled the interior. "The Curse of the Hellfire Crown" was written by Dennis Mallonee and edited by Catherine "Cat" Yronwode. Character information and stats are written up for Flare and Foxbat for the roleplaying game in the back of the book along with Champions Combat Room #1.

What makes this issue of Champions #1 really special is that Dennis Mallonee signed the inside front cover and Sean Deming signed on the Champions Combat Room #1 page. Both signed to Kelly but Sean added "Thanks for your help in Atlanta".
What makes this issue of Champions #1 really special is that Dennis Mallonee signed the inside front cover and Sean Deming signed on the Champions Combat Room #1 page. Both signed to Kelly but Sean added "Thanks for your help in Atlanta".
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The World of Metropolis #3
John Byrne once again did the cover and script for The World of Metropolis #3 (October 1988). "Mr. Kent Goes To Metropolis" finds Clark settling in the big city. He battles a gang in his suit and tie before his appointment with the dean of Metropolis University. Clark starts washing dishes at a burger joint and meets a redheaded waitress named Rose. He secretly helps Lois Lane while wearing a different suit and tie. Clark and Rose become very close but their dating stops when he quits the burger joint after graduating. The end finds him visiting her and her two girls in the present.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The World of Metropolis #2
John Byrne was the writer and cover artist for The World of Metropolis #2 (September 1988). "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" finds Lois Lane telling her younger sister, Lucy, about the time she went to get a job at the Daily Planet at fifteen. She talked to a young Perry White. Lois later sneaks out of the house to dish up some dirt on Lex Luthor. Odd to see Lois Lane and Lex Luthor both as redheads even though the cover shows her as a brunette (Lucy is a blonde). Win Mortimer penciled this issue while Dick Giordano and Sal Trapani inked.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Who's Who Update '87 #4
Todd McFarlane did the wraparound cover for Who's Who Update '87 #4 (November 1987). This issue features characters from Lois Lane to Rampage. The Minutemen from Watchmen is included as is the revised version of Power Girl as the granddaughter of Arion from Atlantis. I have ten issues of the original series, four issues of the '87 update and three issues of the '88 update. I even have both issues of the Who's Who in Star Trek. News of a new Who's Who twelve issue series is coming out this year to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of DC Comics. One is needed especially after the events of 52 and Infinity Crisis. I would also like to see a separate version done just for the Elseworlds characters.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Warlord Annual #2
Dick Giordano and Dan Jurgens did the cover for The Warlord Annual #2 (1983) with the latter also doing the interior pencils. The story, titled "The Prophecy", was written by Cary Burkett, inked by Mike DeCarlo and colored by Carl Gafford. Travis Morgan aka the Warlord meets Krystovar, a seeker of knowledge and a gatherer of ancient lore. He tells of Lord Norrad the colony of New Atlantis. After jumping off a ship, the Warlord finds an underwater cavern that leads to a secret stockpile of futuristic weapons that includes what appears to be saucer-shaped UFOs. He hops on an Atlantean sled to save Krystovar from the clutches of Ar-Pharazael, the ruler of New Atlantis. The mad king tells the seeker of knowledge that the brother that he has been looking for is still alive but transformed into one of the brood-brothers. I read this issue when it originally came out and recently picked up another copy without knowing if I had it or not but it was still a great read.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
American Honda Presents Supergirl
In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportan's National Safety Belt Campaign, American Honda Presents DC Comics' Supergirl (1994) was a giveaway special that tried to get kids in America to buckle up. Superman does show up to help his cousin use an alien machine to enter Steve's mind after he goes into a coma caused by being in an automobile accident. He thinks his younger sister died for not buckling up and he has a series of nightmares that involves them in various vehicular accidents. Supergirl tries to change the outcomes of the nightmares in hopes of waking him up. The back of this issue has some trivia pages that explores the truths and myths of seat belts and accidents. This got me to thinking that an educational comic about the dangers of using cell phones while driving needs to be published now.
The cover of American Honda Presents DC Comics' Supergirl was drawn by Angelo Torres, who also penciled the interior art. The writers included Robert Loren, Fleming
Andrew Helfer, Barry Marx and Joe Orlando (the latter was also the colorist). John Costanza provided the lettering while Barry Marx was the editor.
The cover of American Honda Presents DC Comics' Supergirl was drawn by Angelo Torres, who also penciled the interior art. The writers included Robert Loren, Fleming
Andrew Helfer, Barry Marx and Joe Orlando (the latter was also the colorist). John Costanza provided the lettering while Barry Marx was the editor.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Superman #34
Kerry Gammill did the cover for Superman #34 (August 1989), which depicts a cloaked creature behind the Man of Steel, who is holding Maggie Sawyer's daughter, while the Metropolis police detective holds a pistol. "By Hook or by Crook" starts off with how Aleister Hook, a doctor that collects children, turns into a shadowy winged creature. Superman arrives at "The Project" to find almost all the children that were kidnapped by Hook with wings. The only one without wings is Maggie Sawyer's daughter since she was rescued before the transformation could be completed. Hook is back and manages to kidnap the girl again to complete the transformation but he still does not succeed thanks to Superman, Maggie and her ex-husband. This issue was written by Jerry Ordway, penciled by Kerry Gammill, inked by Dennis Janke and colored by Glenn Whitmore.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Superman #394
The cover of Superman #394 (April 1984) by Paris Cullins and Dick Giordano depicts the Man of Steel battling the Viking from Valhalla, The story titled "The Man Who Would Be President" was written by Elliot S! Maggin, penciled by Curt Swan, inked by Dave Hunt and colored by Gene D'Angelo. Valemar of the Flame comes to life after Bucky Berns writes that he should be enlisted to fight pollution. The Viking from Valhalla first mistakes Superman as the reason for a bottling company polluting the river. A few more events come to pass that Bucky Berns writes about and the reader finds out that a foreign group is basically making his thoughts come true thanks to a device orbiting the earth. Superman and Valemar team up to shut the bottling plant down.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Women Wednesday: Zatanna, Wonder Woman and Batgirl
The Omega Men #1
I have been wanting to pick up The Omega Men (April 1983) for a long time but never found a copy of this science fiction series until recently. The fanboy in me jumped with excitement when I found a copy for ninety-nine cents. The cover was done by Mike DeCarlo and Keith Giffen (the latter also did the interior art). This issue takes place after Green Lantern #141 and Teen Titans #21. My only exposure to the team was house ads and the entry in Who's Who in the DC Universe. The story was written by Roger Slifer. The team takes over a Citadel base on the planet Slagg before going to Broot's homeworld known as Changralyn. I actually ended up liking Broot more than Tigorr, the shape changing feline humanoid, who acted like a Wolverine knock-off.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Detective Comics Annual #3
George Pratt did the cover for Detective Comics Annual #3 (1990), which depicts Batman sitting on a giant mushroom with two Asian warriors about to strike with their swords. "Obligation" is a better story than the cover with Archie Goodwin as the writer, Dan Jurgens as the penciller and Dick Giordano as the inker. Batman finds himself battling the Yakuza in Gotham City before traveling to Tokyo to fight Tsunetomo, who trained a young Bruce Wayne.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Detective Comics #627
Detective Comics #627 (March 1991) is an eighty page anniversary issue celebrating Batman's six hundredth appearance. The cover artwork was down by Norm Breyfogle. The issue reprints "The Case of the Chemical Syndicate" from Detective Comics #27 (May 1939) and "The Cry of the Night is -- Kill!" from Detective Comics #387 (May 1969). Two new versions of "The Case of the Chemical Syndicate" is also included. The first was written by Marv Wolfman, penciled by Jim Aparo and inked by Mike DeCarlo. The second was written by Alan Grant, penciled by Norm Breyfogle and inked by Adrienne Roy. A two-page pin up featuring Batman, his supporting cast and rogues gallery is included in the back of the issue.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Demon #4, #11 and #25
Let's celebrate the most evil of holidays: Valentine's Day. In Demon #4 (October 1990), Jason Blood talks with Belial before finding his friend, Harry Andrews, as a seat cover with a face. After he falls asleep, Etrigan emerges and makes a deal with his father to bring down Beelzebub and Lucifer. Klarion the Witch Boy and his cat, Teekl, shows up at the end.

Demon #11 (May 1991) shows that Jason Blood was a priest of an earth goddess before being cursed with Etrigan. Klarion the Witch Boy goes to Arkham Asylum and causes a demon to come out of Tenzin Wyatt. He also finds C'th the Undying underwater and adds him to his gang that includes Tenzin and Harry Andrews, who is still a seat cover with a face. The Phantom Stranger pops up here and there before Lobo arrives at the end.

Demon #25 (July 1992) starts with the origins of Judge Ryme, a witch hunter in France of 1323 that is cursed by a demon to become immortal. He detects the presence of Etrigan after spotting Jason Blood. The pair fight, which causes an apartment building to collapse.
Demon #11 (May 1991) shows that Jason Blood was a priest of an earth goddess before being cursed with Etrigan. Klarion the Witch Boy goes to Arkham Asylum and causes a demon to come out of Tenzin Wyatt. He also finds C'th the Undying underwater and adds him to his gang that includes Tenzin and Harry Andrews, who is still a seat cover with a face. The Phantom Stranger pops up here and there before Lobo arrives at the end.
Demon #25 (July 1992) starts with the origins of Judge Ryme, a witch hunter in France of 1323 that is cursed by a demon to become immortal. He detects the presence of Etrigan after spotting Jason Blood. The pair fight, which causes an apartment building to collapse.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Black Orchid #1
Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean team up to present Black Orchid #1 (1988), which is the first of a three part mini-series. Black Orchid, in disguise, dies early in the book. She is reborn in a human-plant hybrid with no memories. Thankfully, Dr. Philip Sylvian is there to help her and provide an origin story. Great story and artwork makes me want to find the other two books.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Blackhawk #1 And #2
I picked up the first two issues of the 1987 Blackhawk mini series from DC Comics with artwork and story by Howard Chaykin. The first book is titled "Blood & Iron" while the second book is titled "Red Snow". I have been a Chaykin fan ever since picking up American Flagg several years ago. Blackhawk gets kicked out the United States for being a Communist. His arch-nemesis, Death Meyhew, finds out that he has a terminal illness and is determined to get him at all costs. This mini series is more for mature audiences since it does contain sexual situations and violence. The second book introduces Natalie Reed as Lady Blackhawk. I greatly enjoyed both issues and hope to find the third issue one day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Batman #538
The cover of Batman #538 is an interesting contrast between black and white. There are just a few touches of red on the logo and the blood that is running down the Dark Knight's chin. This issue is part three of "Darkest Night of the Man-Bat" story and Batman finds himself chasing Kirk Langstrom to the North Pole. The scientist turned creature of the night is hit with energy from Project HAARP's pulse injector, which only makes him madder. Batman tracks him down to a cave before finally injecting him with the serum that will change him back to his human form I believe that Man-Bat's ears have grown just as long as the ears on Batman's cowl over the years.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Batman #453
The cover of Batman #453 shows the Dark Knight battling zombies with a sinister creature lurking behind him. The fight inside this issue only lasts for the first five pages. Turns out that one of the zombies is actually not a corpse and was one of the Riddler's henchmen. Batman finds a baby in the Gotham graveyard along with a riddle on a tombstone. He has kidnapped four babies and using them to bait Batman. There is a cool flashback section that shows some detail from the confessions of Jacob Stickman in 1793. Thomas Jefferson and a group of occultists try to summon a demon and calls forth a bat creature. They trap the creature in a cellar and this may be the voice of Gotham that narrated the scene between the superhero and zombies. Batman #453 is part two of the three part "Dark Knight, Dark City" story. The cliffhanging end proves that the Riddler can be just as psychotic as the Joker.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
All-Star Squadron #67
I was not sure that I had All-Star Squadron #67 (March 1987) in my collection or not when I picked it up. Turns out that I did but what makes this last issue even more special was that it had two covers. I have picked up a few comics with double covers over the years and I always view them as a special treat. I always wondered if a coverless copy ever hit the newstands. Anyway, the Justice Society combats a fifth column that was adapted from the story in All-Star Comics #4 (1941).
Monday, February 08, 2010
Comac Mac Art #4 from Dark Horse
The only Dark Horse comic that I picked up on my last road trip was Robert E. Howard's Cormac Mac Art #4 (1990) by Roy Thomas and E. R. Cruz. The cover was done by John Bolton. The interior art is above average black and white fantasy fare. I just wish that I had the first three issues of this mini series.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Super Thrift Store Finds: Books And More
I went to three local thrift stores yesterday morning and left with several items from two of them. I picked up six books including Hrolf Krakes Saga by Poul Anderson, Night's Black Agents by Fritz Leiber, The Casebook of Jules de Grandin by Seabury Quinn, Doc Savage #32: Dust of Death, Doc Savage #45: The Men Who Smiled No More and Doc Savage #51: Haunted Ocean.

I found two Spider-Man Christmas ornaments:

I picked up a Joker mobile from Corgi:

Finally, I found an Incredible Hulk toothbrush holder (minus the cup)

Total price for all of these super thrift store finds was a little over four dollars.
I found two Spider-Man Christmas ornaments:
I picked up a Joker mobile from Corgi:
Finally, I found an Incredible Hulk toothbrush holder (minus the cup)
Total price for all of these super thrift store finds was a little over four dollars.
dc comics,
diecast cars,
doc savage,
marvel comics,
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Megalith #1
Megalith #1 (1989) from Continuity Comics starts with Joe Majurac in Beiruit, Lebanon facing a group of terrorists. He enters a building to save a boy's life only to have debris fall on him. While the strong man is trapped, he recounts his origin as being trained by his German captors as a super human. Not only does he has a massive muscular body but a mind-body link. He escapes to find refuge with the U.S. Army who does tests on him. He finally meets Commander Grantland, who also has the mind-body link skill/power. At the end, Megalith is brought back to the present and is able to push the debris off himself.
Friday, February 05, 2010
Smallville's Absolute Justice
Tonight's two hour Smallville movie was an epic event featuring several JSA (Justice Society of America) characters. Kudos from everybody that starred in or worked on the episode. I am so glad that I started watching the series on a regular basis again this season.
Armor #12
I picked up a few titles from Neal Adams' Continuity Comics when they first came out. Among the titles were Amor #1, Revengers #1, Samuree #1 and #2, Toyboy #1 and Zero Patrol #1 and #2. I still have those packed away in comic collection.
On my last road trip, I picked up Armor #12 (March 1992). The first ten pages deal with aliens fighting on the Great Library planet. The action then shifts to earth as alien assassins attack Armor, Silver Streak and the alien Go-Gog.
On my last road trip, I picked up Armor #12 (March 1992). The first ten pages deal with aliens fighting on the Great Library planet. The action then shifts to earth as alien assassins attack Armor, Silver Streak and the alien Go-Gog.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Elementals Sexy Lingerie Special #1-A Chicago
Fathom and Morningstar grace the cover of Comico's Elementals Sexy Lingerie Special #1-A (January 1993). Yes, the cover has Elemental's instead of Elementals. Not only does Fathom and Morningstar appear inside but also Ambrose, Downtime, Haunting, Red Dragon, Dreamtime, Mary Lo, Genocide, Astarte, Doctor Thunder, Bloody Mary, Walker, Kama Kazi and Ratman. Some of the pin ups are nice while others are very naughty. Each character has a info form that is filled out in their own handwriting. One of Downtime's favorite movies is Dirty Dances With Wolves while Fathom is turned off by wet sloppy kisses.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Women Wednesday: She-Hulk Turns 30
Elementals Volume 2, #25
The wraparound cover of Elementals volume 2, #25 (November 1992) has the heads of Sgt. Slaughter and Dreamtime on the left, Morningstar, Vortex and Fanthom on the right and the giant head of Tommy in the background. In this issue, Tommy returns after learning black and white magic from Lord Saker. His teammates are not happy about his return and attacks. He calms them down after explaining that he wants to address the Nation of the Supernature about winning the Oblivion War. Meanwhile, in the dark forests of Avalon, Sgt. Slaughter finds Dreamtime, who had been thrown from her horse and has broken leg, wrist and arm. They find the Electrocutioner hanging upside down from a tree with his guts hanging out. He tells them that Cold Mary is at the circle of stones. Unfortunately, Dreamtime gets a nasty surprise when they find a body of a man with sergeant strips tattooed on his left arm.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Elemementals Volume 2, #23
The wraparound cover for Elementals volume 2, #23 (May 1992) features Commander Chaos (leader of Strikeforce: America), Hiroshima (leader of the Rising Sun team), Annihilator (acting leader of the Destroyers) and Morningstar (leader of the Elementals) watching on as Cold Mary chokes Genesis 6:4 (leader of the Rapture). Last issue was tame compared to this issue for Commander Chaos tortures Cold Mary by using his heat vision on her eyes. She snaps the neck of Genesis 6:4 and makes her escape.

The new Monolith does make his first appearance after Donald Ridgeway dies from falling in a mountain climbing accident.
The new Monolith does make his first appearance after Donald Ridgeway dies from falling in a mountain climbing accident.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Elementals Volume 2, #22
I like Comico mostly for their Justice Machine series. Before last week, the only Elementals issue that I had was volume 2, #6 (March 1992) that had Morningstar committing suicide. Elementals volume 2, #22 shows Tommy give up the power of the earth elemental known as Monolith to study magic with Lord Saker. That is one creepy wraparound cover but the interior is even creepier since Tommy died for the third time in the previous issue.
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