Monday, August 31, 2015

Bombshells Grayson

Here's the alternate Bombshells cover to Grayson #11 (October 2015) because it's always nice to see Dick:
Alternate Bombshells cover to Grayson #11 from DC Comics
This is the first issue of the series that I have read with Dick Grayson being a spy and I admit that it will probably me my last one. I want to see him back as Nightwing. The Bombshells cover would have been more suited for an annual or one shot special where the story actually took place in that universe.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Goodnight Wes Craven

Sad news for we lost a very creative and talented man today according to Wes Craven, ‘Scream’ and ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ Director, Dies at 76. He also directed and wrote 1982's Swamp Thing based on the character from DC Comics among so many other movies and tv shows.

Wes Craven (August 2, 1939 - August 30, 2015)
Wes Craven

(August 2, 1939 - August 30, 2015)

Sexy Sunday: DC Comics Bombshells #6

DC Comics Bombshells #6 has to be the best issue yet for several reasons. The second page featuring the Joker's Daughter should have been the cover instead of the Wonder Woman and Mera cover that has been the cover since #4. Notice that her teeth are pearly white while they are disgustingly nasty in the story itself:
Page 2 from DC Comics Bombshells #6 featuring the Joker's Daughter
A group of German soldiers go to a nightclub in 1940 Berlin, Germany where they are greeted by the Joker's Daughter singing.
Page 5 from DC Comics Bombshells #6 featuring the Joker's Daughter
After they are seated, all the light bulbs pop and Zatanna appears on stage. She sings the song, Ich Halte Dich (I Hold You).
Page 9 from DC Comics Bombshells #6 featuring Zatanna
After taking a puff from one of the German soldier's cigarette that has an English taste, she calls him out as John Constantine.
Page 14 from DC Comics Bombshells #6 featuring Zatanna and John Constantine
Zatanna and Constantine battle with magic before she turns him into a rabbit. The Joker's Daughter starts laughing and saves them from the rest of the soldiers. However, it's clear that Zatanna has a secret that the Joker's Daughter knows and is holding over her. The latter mentions the Master several times. I have to wonder if the Joker may be the Master and/or Hitler in the Bombshells universe or at least one of the his top generals.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Marvel's Pocket Pop Keychains at Disney Movie Rewards

I finally traded 900 points at Disney Movie Rewards today for two Marvel's Pocket Pop keychains. They currently only have two from the Avengers: Age of Ultron line: the Hulk and Iron Man. I have no Pops of any kind and I thought what better time to get some.
The Hulk Pocket Pop keychain available at Disney Movie Rewards
Iron Man Pocket Pop keychain available at Disney Movie Rewards

Friday, August 28, 2015

New Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron Checks and Labels at Walmart Flyer

Last year I posted about the New Marvel Super Hero Checks and Labels at Walmart Flyer. Today's post is a kind of a sequel. I received this Walmart flyer inside this month's credit card bill. It features Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron checks and address labels that are now available from Walmart Check Printing. Movie versions of the Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man and Thor is shown group together on the left side. Checks shown include Nick Fury, the Vision, the Hulk and Black Widow. On the right side are labels featuring Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and Ultron.

You can view all the checks at Avengers: Age of Ultron Checks (other checks include Thor, Captain America, Iron Man and Ultron). You can also view all the address labels at Avengers: Age of Ultron Address Labels (other labels include Black Widow, the Vision, Nick Fury and the Hulk).
Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron Checks and Labels flyer at Walmart
Unfortunately, the flip side of the flyer is just a generic ad for Walmart Check Printing featuring a pretty blonde.
Generic ad for Walmart Check Printing featuring pretty blonde
I'm still waiting for the DC Comics's Bombshells checks.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Women Wednesday: Bombshells Raven

Here's the alternate cover to Teen Titans #11 (October 2015) featuring Bombshells Raven:
Alternate Bombshells cover to Teen Titans #11 featuring Raven
I think DC Comics need to bring back the themed annuals and have each comic title tie-in with Bombshells for I would love to see the story that goes with this cover.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Violett Beane Cast as Jesse Quick on CW's The Flash

According to Report: JESSE QUICK Cast for CW's THE FLASH, Violett Beane as landed the role. For those who don't know the character is the daughter of Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle. The actress is a newcomer for she just started in Hollywood this year.
Violett Beane cast as Jesse Quick on CW's The Flash

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sexy Sunday: Alternate Justice League #43 Bombshells Cover

This alternate Bombshells cover to Justice League #43 features Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Mera. Check out their cool uniforms and specialized belt buckles:
Alternate Bombshells cover to Justice League #43 from DC Comics
Too bad the actual comic story inside this issue is chapter three of the Darkseid story. I haven't been following it and don't really care to do so.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sexy Saturday: DC Comics Bombshells #5

This should have been the cover to DC Comics Bombshells #5 instead of the Wonder Woman and Mera cover that was also on #4:
Page 2 of DC Comics Bombshells #5
After being called a traitor by the leader of the Soviet's Night Witches, Kara Starikov puts up a fight. Not only does she fly but she also seems to be bulletproof. Unfortunately, she is forced to surrender when her sister, Kortni Duginovna, is held captive. They are brought before a group of generals that will decide what to do with her. Kara tells them that she came from the stars while her adopted mother was pregnant with Kortni. When asked about her abilities, she tells them that she has strength, speed, invulnerable skin and recently flight. Kara is asked to demonstrate her powers and she does by using her heat vision on the chandelier, which causes the room to go dark. When the room is bathed in light again, she is shown next to a mural featuring her and Kortni wearing costumes. They are then given the names Supergirl and Stargirl.
Page 2 of DC Comics Bombshells #5

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Women Wednesday: Goodnight Yvonne Craig

Sad news for Yvonne Craig, TV's Sexy Batgirl of the 1960s, Dies at 78.
Yvonne Craig May 16, 1937 to August 17, 2015
Yvonne Craig (May 16, 1937 - August 17, 2015)

Yvonne Craig as tv's Batgirl
Not only was she Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl on tv's Batman but she was also the green skinned Marta on Star Trek. She appeared in lots of tv shows stretching from the 1950s to the 1980s.
Yvonne Craig as Marta from tv's Star Trek
She also appeared in several movies such as It Happened at the World's Fair and Kissin' Cousins with Elvis with whom she dated.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Barb Wire #3 Preview

I can't believe that I haven't posted anything about Barb Wire before now. I didn't even know that she was back in a new series from Dark Horse. Here is the cover from Barb Wire #3 by Adam Hughes:
Cover of Barb Wire #3 by Adam Hughes from Dark Horse
You can read the five page preview here.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sexy Sunday: DC Comics Bombshells #4

DC Comics Bombshells #4 picks up shortly after the events of the last issue. Steve Trevor is a prisoner on Themyscira and Princess Diana aka Wonder Woman is tending to him. The other Amazons and her mother are not happy about her wanting to leave to help fight the Germans during WWII. She goes to the queen and tells her of the horrors of the outside world. Mera of Atlantis aka Aquawoman shows up to help Diana break him out.
Cover of DC Comics Bombshells #4
Page 1 of DC Comics Bombshells #4
Page 11 of DC Comics Bombshells #4

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hanna-Barbera Super-Heroes #1 T-shirt

ShirtPunch produces some really cool t-shirts but they only last for twenty-four hours. This Hanna-Barbera Super-Heroes #1 t-shirt features a fake cover featuring updated versions of Space Ghost, Mightor, Blue Falcon, Multi Man from the Impossibles, Zandor and Tara from the Herculoids, Captain Caveman, Frankenstein, Jr. and Birdman.
Hanna-Barbera Super-Heroes #1 t-shirt from ShirtPunch
I wish this was a real comic series even though DC Comics updated Space Ghost a several years ago.
Hanna-Barbera Super-Heroes #1 from ShirtPunch

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Sexy Saturday: DC Comics Bombshells #3

DC Comics Bombshells #3 is set in Moscow during WWII and spotlights two very familiar blondes. Kara Starikov is obviously a combination of Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl and Kara Starr aka Powergirl while Kortni Duginovna is Courtney Whitmore aka Stargirl (or just Star). They were raised on a farm by a mother who told them fairy tales while their father was an ex-cosmonaut and supposedly a traitor. They are both recruits for the Night Witches, women bombers of the Soviet Union. A Russian soldier hits on the two girls, Kara knocks him on his butt with a thump on his forehead. After months of training, they finally take to the air but Kortni's plane catches fire and Kara saves her. Unfortunately, all the other Night Witches including their trainer/leader witness the event and label them as traitors.
Panel two of page 4 from DC Comics Bombshells #3
Page 11 rom DC Comics Bombshells #3
I had a hard time telling them apart so I'm not sure if they are supposed to be twins or not. It's a good issue but still not as great as the first one.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Falk Hentschel Cast as Hawkman

According to Report: Marvel Villain Hired As DC's HAWKMAN, Falk Hentschel has been cast as Carter Hall aka Hawkman in the Arrow and Flash crossover that will set the stage for DC's Legends Of Tomorrow. You might know him from his role as a villain Marcus Scarlotti on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..
Falk Hentschel cast as Hawkman

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Sexy Sunday: DC Comics Bombshells #2

DC Comics Bombshells #2 came online yesterday and it basically retells the first meeting between Princess Diana and Steve Trevor. Check out the Amazons in action during WWII on page ten:
Page 10 of DC Comics Bombshells #2
Steve wakes up on page fifteen and finds himself face to face with several Amazons including Princess Diana:
Page 15 of DC Comics Bombshells #2

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Blog Alert: Jon's Random Acts of Geekery Is Back

Yes, Jon's Random Acts of Geekery is officially back today with a cool new magazine-style look. Articles include an amazing collection of Krypto items, a complete Golden Age tale from Mister Mystery #10, monster stuff featuring the Groovie Goolies, a Wheaties giveaway comic featuring Captain Marvel, a look at TV's The Land of the Giants, and an essay on the Fantastic Four. There's so much that I haven't read everything yet.

Happy 9th Blogiversary To Moongem Comics

Yep, another year has passed already and it has been nine years since I started Moongem Comics. Here's a special comic cover I created with a little help from this comic book cover creator to celebrate the occasion:
Cover of Moongem Comics #1
My counter currently reads 457,299 visitors had seen this blog. I would like to think them all for visiting and hope they found something of interest here.

Here's the top ten current keywords used to find Moongem Comics:
  1. maria kanellis wearing gold
  2. Hallmark Disney character plastic cups
  3. cosplay amethyst whip
  4. Elvira happy birthday
  5. marvel candy sticks
  6. alex ross justice league christmas plate
  7. cat.woman.big
  8. cosplay big ass
  9. elvira cartoon pics
10. Elvira Up All Night

Here's to another nine years.