Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Miniature Aquaman and Flash Figurines

I found these miniature Aquaman and Flash figurines at the local Dollar Tree yesterday. The store has only been open for about six months and this has been my biggest find there so far. They are 3" tall and made by Mattel in 2018. The full Justice League set includes Aquaman, Batman, Flash, Superman and Wonder Woman. I'm hoping they will stock the others in the set but I'm not holding my breath for I was lucky to find these when I did. They only had two Aquaman figurines and three Flash figurines left.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 25: Elvira's House of Mystery Special #1

Merry Christmas and here is Elvira's House of Mystery Special #1 from DC Comics that I originally posted on Christmas Day 2008 with larger pictures:

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

Countdown to Christmas 2019 Day 20: Avengers Ornament Figures Set

Protect your Christmas tree the Marvel way with this Avengers Ornament Figures Set. The set of seven includes the Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and Black Panther. Best of all, you can hang them up all year long and celebrate the other holidays with them too.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Countdown to Christmas 2019 Day 18: Bettie Page Holiday Splash Big Win

I finally got a Big Win on the Bettie Page Holiday Splash game at Hit It Rich! Slots on Facebook a few moments ago. She is animated and moves her lifted red dress from side to side while showing off what's underneath. I wish I could share the animation but I can share the screenshot below:

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Countdown to Christmas 2019 Day 17: Bettie Page Holiday Splash

Hit It Rich! Slots on Facebook has a new Christmas theme game to play that's called Bettie Page Holiday Splash. The online game had been available only in the VIP room but it's now open to all starting today. I played a few games so far but didn't win big nor won any bonus games or free spins. Bettie Page winks at you on the Choose A Bet screen and whenever she pops up during the game.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Moongem Comics Changes

You might have seen a few changes at Moongem Comics earlier today. Yes, I have decided to give this blog a slight make over. The biggest change is the color so say goodbye to the white text on black background at least for now. I also did away with the counter and the header. Gone also is the dead blogs and sites. I have also cut back on the recent posts of my favorite blogs since a lot of them had not posted for three months or more. The biggest change will be future posts so stay tune for what I have in store.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Women Wednesday: Elvira Mistress of the Dark #10 Covers

Here are four of the most common covers for Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #10 from Dynamite Entertainment.

Cover A features the Mistress of the Dark sitting on the edge of a boiling caldron while using a salt shaker on herself. Two ugly witches in brown rags stand behind her and leer at her.
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #10 cover A

Cover B features Elvira sitting on her loveseat while holding a tv remote. Can you name all the monsters coming out of her tv set?
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #10 cover B

Cover C features the Mistress of the Dark waring a white nurse's uniform while holding a hypodermic needle.
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #10 cover C

Cover D is a photo cover featuring Elvira and her jazz hands.
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #10 cover D

Here is a two page cover gallery featuring all eleven covers of Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #10 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Cover gallery page one for Elvira Mistress of the Dark #10

Cover gallery page two for Elvira Mistress of the Dark #10

Friday, November 01, 2019

Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #1

Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #1 is now out just in time for All Saints Day (yes, it was out before Halloween too but I didn't get it posted in time for this year's Countdown to Halloween). The cover features zombified versions of Wolverine, Deadpool and Captain America. The body of Galactus is found floating in space and Reed Richards insist of going there with other super heroes so he can get a tissue sample. As you can imagine, his plan goes horribly wrong when they find out that someone has been living inside Galactus.
Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #1 cover from Marvel Comics

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 31: DCeased #6 Cover

Wow, what a month and Halloween is now upon us. DCeased #6 is out now too and is the final issue of the mini series from DC Comics. The cover features Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and a zombified Catwoman. This issue deals with a zombified Superman and I highly recommend you getting your hands on a copy.
DCeased #6 cover from DC Comics
This post wraps up this year's Countdown to Halloween. I hope you enjoyed the posts and don't forget to bookmark Moongem Comics for you never know what I might post next.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 30: Captain Kronos B Covers Featuring Caroline Munro

Technically, today is Women Wednesday so I'm just posting B covers of Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter from Titan Comics since they feature Caroline Munro. The four issue mini series from 2017 is a sequel to the 1974 Hammer movie with the same name in which she played the gypsy dancer, Carla. She has a much bigger part in this series as she assist Kronos along with Professor Grost. I highly recommend this mini series to all horror fans especially those that like vampires.

There may not be anything really horrible about these Hammer Glamour covers but even I need a break from the blood and guts every once in a while.

Cover B of #1:
Cover B of Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter #1 from Titan Comics featuring Caroline Munro
cover B of #2:
Cover B of Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter #2 from Titan Comics featuring Caroline Munro
Cover B of #3
Cover B of Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter #3 from Titan Comics featuring Caroline Munro
Cover B of #4:
Cover B of Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter #4 from Titan Comics featuring Caroline Munro

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 29: Kermit and Vincent Price as Vampires

Kermit the frog proved that even Muppets can become vampires when Vincent Price guest starred on The Muppet Show in 1977:
Kermit and Vincent Price as vampires on The Muppet Show
Here's the video:

Monday, October 28, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 28: Omaha the Cat Dancer #8

The cover of Omaha the Cat Dancer #8 (October 1987) from Kitchen Sink Press finds Chuck and Omaha carving pumpkins on their front porch.
Omaha the Cat Dancer #8 from Kitchen Sink Press
I can't believe that I haven't posted this before since this underground comix series is one of my favorites.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 27: Robyn Hood Cosplaying as Elvira

This artwork featuring Robyn Hood cosplaying as Elvira is cover C for Grimm Fairy Tales 2019 Halloween Pinup Special from Zenescope Entertainment. There are four different covers in all and you can view them here.
Robyn Hood as Elvira

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 26: The Addams Family and Monster Cereals

This year's monster cereals teams up with characters from The Addams Family animated movie that came out on October 5, 2019 (no, I haven't seen it yet since I can't bring my monster cereal boxes into the local theater). I found the family size boxes at the local Walmart Super Center on October 5th. Instead of a free toy included inside, they offer ten free pumpkin carving stencils to download at Monster Carving.

Here's the front of the Boo Berry box:
Front of Boo Berry cereal box 2019 edition
Here's the front of the Count Chocula's box:
Front of Count Chocula cereal box 2019 edition
Here's the front of the Franken Berry's box:
The back of each monster cereal box has the same Tricks & Treats puzzle. The text says "How frightfully fun! The Addams Family is trick-or-treating at the Monster's castle. But that's not the only trick you'll find in this scene. Can you find all 8 tricky mistakes? After you find them, look on the side of the box and treat yourself to free downloadable pumpkin carving stencils."
Front of Franken Berry cereal box 2019 edition

Another year of monster cereals that teases with my childhood memories. This time they offer free pumpkin carving stencils, which I will never use, instead of cheap toys. Glow in the dark figures of Boo Berry, Count Chocula, Boo Berry and the Addams Family would have been so much better and fun.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 25: Hiland Halloween Egg Nog

There used to be a time where you could only find Egg Nog of any kind between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve. Christmas was the holiday mostly associated with this thick concoction until several years ago when it started coming out before Halloween. I finally broke down this year and picked up a quart of Hiland Halloween Egg Nog.
Halloween Egg Nog from Hiland
I found nothing really special about the color and taste. I was hoping for at least a pumpkin orange color. The taste, while good, was still just plain old regular Egg Nog. I guess it was hard to duplicate the tastes of ghosts and bats like those on the container. Unfortunately, I didn't find any Peanut Butter Chocolate Reduced Fat Milk or Spooktacular Egg Nog from Prairie Farms at any of the local grocery stores.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 24: The Shape of Elvira #4 Covers

Here are four covers for The Shape of Elvira #4 from Dynamite Entertainment. As far as I know, there are eight covers in all with the four other being "virgin" alternates.

Cover A features the Mistress of the Dark sitting in the Creature's claw:
Cover A for The Shape of Elvira #4 from Dynamite Entertainment
Cover B features Elvira being rescued by a swashbuckling Creature:
Cover B for The Shape of Elvira #4 from Dynamite Entertainment
Cover C features a ripped Polaroid that shows the Mistress of the Dark marrying the Creature with a fat Elvis impersonator behind them:
Cover C for The Shape of Elvira #4 from Dynamite Entertainment
Cover D features Elvira with her hands up and a shocked look of her face:
Cover D for The Shape of Elvira #4 from Dynamite Entertainment

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Countdown to Halloween 2019 Day 23: The Shape of Elvira #3 Covers

Here are four covers for The Shape of Elvira #3 from Dynamite Entertainment. There are eight covers in all.

Cover A features the Mistress of the Dark wading in a jungle with the Creature behind her.
Cover A for The Shape of Elvira #3 from Dynamite Entertainment
Cover B features Elvira in a black one-piece bathing suit sitting next to the Creature on a beach during a rainstorm.
Cover B for The Shape of Elvira #3 from Dynamite Entertainment
Cover C features the Mistress of the Dark and the Creature doing a Fabio romance cover. Check out his long hair.
Cover C for The Shape of Elvira #3 from Dynamite Entertainment
Cover D is a photo cover featuring Elvira in one of her famous poses.
Cover D for The Shape of Elvira #3 from Dynamite Entertainment
The Shape of Elvira #3 also features a page listing all the available covers plus artist credits.
List of all covers for The Shape of Elvira #3 from Dynamite Entertainment