Monday, October 31, 2016

Countdown To Halloween 2016 Day 31: Happy Halloween

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween. I will be working this evening so I will not be handing out treats to the little tricksters. Hopefully, I will see some customers in costumes but I doubt it.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Countdown To Halloween 2016 Day 29: Dark Shadows Weekend

Decades will be showing episodes of the original Dark Shadows tv series starring Jonathan Frid as the vampire Barnabas Collins this weekend so be sure to tune in for some gothic horror fun.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Countdown To Halloween 2016 Day 28: Goodnight Zacherley

Sad news to start the final days of the Halloween Countdown this year for John Zacherle aka tv horror host Zacherely has passed away at 98 yesterday according to Horror News Network.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Countdown To Halloween 2016 Day 23: Thriller Weekend

Decades is showing episodes of Boris Karloff's Thriller tv series this weekend so be sure to tune in for some thrilling fun.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Countdown To Halloween 2016 Day 22: Cereal Monsters Vote 2016

You can now vote for your favorite cereal monsters at Monsters Vote 2016. Count Chocula is currently ahead, which makes sense since he is by far my favorite. Boo Berry is in second place and Franken Berry is in third place. This year the cereal monsters are back and the boxes reflect the political race. So far, Count Chocula is the only one I have picked up so far since I'm not too crazy about this year's theme.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Countdown To Halloween Day 4: My Halloween Loot Crate

Loot Crate is a great subscription box filled with exciting merchandise for geeks. There is usually a theme like Futuristic, Magic and Anti-Hero. I thought I would write a little about what I would like to see in my Halloween Loot Crate.

For starters, I would like to see something featuring Elvira in a major way. This may be a Funko Pop, an action figure, a t-shirt or a comic book. The next character I would like to see featured in a major way would be Vampirella. Other characters that I would like to see featured include Lady Death, Alice Cooper and Barnabas Collins (Jonathan Frid's version not Ben Cross or Johnny Depp). Any issue of the classic Famous Monsters of past or present would be cool too.

What would you put together if you were able to create your own Loot Crate theme? You can check out their past and current subscription crate selection if you’re in need of additional ideas.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Countdown To Halloween 2016 Day 2: Elvira On Halloween Wars Again

Be sure to check out tonight's premiere episode of Halloween Wars on Food Network for Elvira will be a guest judge again. Check your local listings.