Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Flash Coming To Arrow

Looks like Barry Allen aka the Flash is coming to CW's Arrow and may get his own series according to this. Personally, Barry had his turn at a series already and would rather see Wally West as the Scarlet Speedster. Unfortunately, CW has hit the pause button on the Wonder Woman series that was titled Amazon.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Return of Captain Midnight

Dark Horse is releasing Captain Midnight #1 on July 31, 2013, which marks the return of the ace pilot that originally started as a radio serial in 1938. He then started appearing in a comic strip, a comic book serial published by Fawcett, a movie serial and a television series. This is not his first revival for Moonstone Publishing released Air Fighters Comics #1 in 2009 with a new Captain Midnight story. He was then reintroduced by Dark Horse in 2012 in Dark Horse Presents #18–#20, which was collected in Captain Midnight #0. In the new series, he will escape the Bermuda Triangle to the present time.
Captain Midnight #1a cover by Felipe Massafera from Dark Horse Comics
You can view a seven page preview of Captain Midnight #1 here.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Women Wednesday: Satana Comic Cover At Marvel: Avengers Alliance

I finally won the cover for Legion of Monsters: Satana #1 while playing Marvel: Avengers Alliance on Facebook earlier this evening:
Cover of Legion of Monsters: Satana #1 won at Marvel: Avengers Alliance

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Women Wednesday: Brit's Birthday Bash At Superhero City

In celebration of EA/KlickNation's artist Brittany Hermann's birthday, Superhero City is having a Brit's Birthday Bash Triple Stat Challenge by offering three trading cards featuring women done by three different artists as a tribute to her. The challenge actually started yesterday and ends July 30, 2013.
Banner for Brit's Birthday Bash at Superhero City
Brit's Birthday Bash at Superhero City
Trading cards for Brit's Birthday Bash at Superhero City

Monday, July 15, 2013

Batman Begins and The Dark Knight by Dennis O'Neil

I finally read Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight (2008) movie novelizations by Dennis O'Neil. They have been sitting on my to read shelf for the past few years but never to around to reading them for one reason or another (I have about fifty miscellaneous books to read). Now I wished that I would have read them sooner for they were both great enough that I gave them each a solid A. Unfortunately, I do not have the movie novelization for The Dark Knight Rises, which was written by Greg Cox.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Women Wednesday: The Women of Legend Promo Card

Non-Sport Update Volume 24, Number 4 ships this week along with an exclusive The Women of Legend promo card from Cryptozoic. Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Supergirl, Catwoman and Katana are in the foreground but one can see other women from DC Comics in the background.
The Women of Legend promo card
You can view more information at NSU Magazine Current Issue.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Independence Day 2013 At Superhero City

Superhero City is celebrating America's Independence Day with three new ability cards. First up is the cool banner:
Independence ability card set banner at Superhero City
The three Independence ability cards include: Bear Arms, Assemble and Speedy Trail. Here is the special edition card set in all their red, white and blue glory:
Independence ability card set at Superhero City
This is a reminder to stay safe on this Fourth of July!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Batman's Injustice Team

Batman's injustice team from Injustice: Gods Among Us #25 includes Batman, Catwoman, Black Canary, Batwoman, Huntress, Green Arrow and Black Lightning. Missing is Captain Atom. This needs to be a poster:
Batman's injustice team

Monday, July 01, 2013