Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 31: Elvira's Coors Light Spring Green Special

Happy Halloween and this is the final day of our Countdown To Halloween. This post is about the Mistress of the Dark since this is also Women Wednesday. The Elvira's Coors Light Spring Green Special stand up advertisement pictured below is from 1987 and is now available on eBay but not in my collection (yet):
Elvira's Coors Light Spring Green Special
I hope you enjoy this year's treats.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 30: Haunting Halloween 1977 Ad From DC Comics

Found this Haunting Halloween ad in DC's The Flash #246 (January 1977). Cain is telling a group of kids to keep quite while he reads them a horror story. There are actual logos for their horror comic titles including Ghosts, The House of Mystery, Weird War Tales, Unexpected and The Super-Stars of Magic.
Haunting Halloween 1977 ad from DC Comics

Monday, October 29, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 29: Ghost Rider Joins Marvel: Avengers Alliance

I will probably never be able to unlock Ghost Rider in Marvel: Avengers Alliance online game on Facebook but I am having fun trying:
Ghost Rider joins Marvel: Avengers Alliance

Sunday, October 28, 2012

In T-Shirt Mourning

Today, I finally decided to say goodbye to my Iron Man t-shirt. There were several holes scattered here and there that could not be mended. I ended up making several rags out of it. This is one of the few t-shirts that I actually wore out before I outgrew.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 27: The Legend of Oz: The Wicked West #4

Big Dog Ink's The Legend of Oz: The Wicked West puts an interesting twist on the classic L. Frank Baum’s Wonderful Wizard of Oz. In this version, Dorothy Gale is a cowgirl while Toto is her horse. The Tin Man is a white bearded man with an axe while the scarecrow is a Native American woman stuffed with straw. Finally, the Cowardly Lion is an actual lion with African face paint. Here is the B cover to The Legend of Oz: The Wicked West #4 that features the Wicked Witch of the West on a sinister horse while holding a firearm (she rides a white flying horse within the issue):
B cover to The Legend of Oz: The Wicked West #4
There are six covers in all but I like this on the best.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 26: Elvira Returns To Comics In 2013

The best news ever this Halloween has to be Elvira, Mistress of the Dark Comics Return in 2013. The Mistress of the Dark will be working with writer R.H. Stavis while Jeff Zarnow will be the artist. A publishing/distribution partner has yet to be found. Here is the cover art for the first issue:
Cover of Elvira, Mistress of the Dark coming in 2013

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 25: Elvira Interview At The Gay UK Plus Contest

You can read the Elvira interview at The Gay UK plus enter for a chance to win a goodie bag (t-shirt, signed photo and vinyl) here.
Elvira interview at The Gay UK

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 23

Okay, this is a pretty scary candy wrapper when you consider that Yellow Peanut M&M is dressed as a scarecrow. I had to refill my M&M dispenser this weekend so I picked up a 12.60 oz bag of Harvest Blend Peanut M&M's at the local grocery store. I usually switch between regular, peanut and almonds but picked this one up this time because I have a fondness for the crazy Yellow guy and scarecrows.
Front of Harvest Blend Peanut M&M's candy wrapper
Back of Harvest Blend Peanut M&M's candy wrapper

Monday, October 22, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 22: Hot Wheels Halloween Batmobile

I have read countless posts from other blogs how they found their Hot Wheels Halloween Batmobile at Target, K-Mart or had a friend find them so my hopes were not high of finding one since the only local discount stores are Alco's and Wal-Mart's Super Center (more like super disaster). However, I was grocery shopping at Dillons yesterday instead of at the local Wal-Mart's and spied a barely stocked display of Hot Wheels Halloween cars. They only had a few Fangula and a few 1966 TV Series Batmobiles. They were priced at $1.99 each, which is why I only got one Hot Wheels Halloween Batmobile (hey, I shopping for food not toys). The color scheme is dark purple with orange trim and the open top is orange.

My pictures are not the greatest but I love the packaging with the scene set at an old time gas station surrounded by evil-looking pumpkins and a skeleton standing at the doorway.
Hot Wheels Halloween Batmobile
Close up of Hot Wheels Halloween Batmobile
Here is the back of the Hot Wheels Halloween Batmobile that I scanned:
Back of Hot Wheels Halloween Batmobile

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 21: Strange Change Vampire, Mummy And Time Machine

Flipping through The Flash #231 (January-February 1974), I found this two page ad for the original Strange Change Vampire, Mummy and Time Machine model kits from MPC:
Left side of ad for Strange Change Vampire, Mummy and Time Machine
Right side of ad for Strange Change Vampire, Mummy and Time Machine
The Strange Change Vampire and Strange Change Mummy have been reissued from Round 2 Models last year. I always wanted them as a kid and I still want them now as an adult.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 17: Sexy Witch Sherri Chanel

Time for a sexy witch for this week's Women Wednesday post so here is Sherri Chanel with a cat:
Sexy witch Sherri Chanel with cat

Monday, October 15, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 15: The Phantom Stranger #1

The Phantom Stranger #1 from DC Comics has two covers:
Cover A of The Phantom Stranger from DC Comics
Cover B of The Phantom Stranger from DC Comics
The Stranger meets a young woman named Rachel, daughter of the demon Trigon. This is page nine:
Page 9 of The Phantom Stranger from DC Comics
And this is page ten:
Page 10 of The Phantom Stranger from DC Comics
Clearly, this is the woman previously known as Raven in the Old DCU but will she become her in the New DCU? I just hope this is not a throw away story and that the issue will be dealt with in the future of either this series or elsewhere.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 14: The Walking Dead Returns Tonight

Season three of AMC's The Walking Dead starts tonight so I will be getting my fix of zombies at 8 pm Central. Here is the trailer:
Here is the poster:
And here is a cast shot for season three of The Walking Dead:

Friday, October 12, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 12: Dark Shadows #8

Dynamite's Dark Shadows #8 has creepy cover by Francesco Francavilla:
Cover of Dark Shadows #8 by Francesco Francavilla
Nacho Tenorio did the interior illustrations while Carlos Lopez did the coloring. My favorite scene is page twelve when Quentin Collins, a werewolf, wakes up Barnabas Collins, a vampire, in the daytime:
Page 12 of Dark Shadows #8 illustrated by Nacho Tenorio and colored by carlos lopez

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 9: Collecting Candy Blog Alert

In the mood for Bat Eggs, Monster Mix Bubble Gum and more Halloween candy? Then check out Collecting Candy, who is also doing a Countdown To Halloween this year. Most of Jason's posts are about candy wrappers but there are candy related ads, posters and more. Be sure to check out his non-Halloween posts for they are a trip down memory lane.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 8: Vital Voice Interview With Elvira

Vamping it up with Elvira is an interview featured in this month's issue of Vital Voice. Here is the cover featuring the Mistress of the Dark:
Cover of Vital Voice October 2012 featuring Elvira

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 6: Spooks At Superhero City

Superhero City currently has the following three Spooks available as Alpha Class cards. The first card is Scream of the Banshee:
Scream of the Banshee at Superhero City
Next is the Banshee's Cry:
Banshee's Cry at Superhero City
Phantom Flight is the final Spook card:
Phantom Flight at Superhero City

Friday, October 05, 2012

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 2: Fall Apart Frankie

Fall Apart Frankie is the second toy in the Hotel Transylvania Happy Meal toy line and the one that I got with mine. You push on his head and he falls apart in four pieces. He is holding two suitcases that are permanently attached to his hands. His head and arms can do a full circle and you pop off the latter.
Fall Apart Frankie from McDonald's Hotel Transylvania Happy Meal still in package
Fall Apart Frankie stands at 4 1/4". His purple suitcase has a big spider crawling towards the words Hotel Transylvania while his yellow suitcase has three pictures (one is the Eiffel Tower) and a giant sock made to look like it is sticking out.
Front of Fall Apart Frankie from McDonald's Hotel Transylvania Happy Meal
Yes, he has five screws holding him together.
Back of Fall Apart Frankie from McDonald's Hotel Transylvania Happy Meal
Here is Fall Apart Frankie in pieces:
Fall Apart Frankie from McDonald's Hotel Transylvania Happy Meal in pieces
I have a funny story that is a little sad too. My sister couldn't wait to play with her Fall Apart Frankie. She had a hard time pushing his head down the second time and she heard a snap. The plastic hook that attaches the bottom to his top broke. She couldn't believe that the Happy Meal toy broke so soon. However, I have proof that she is still breaking toys forty years later.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Countdown To Halloween 2012 Day 1: Hotel Transylvania Happy Meal Box

I actually picked up a Happy Meal promoting the Hotel Transylvania movie a few weeks ago. I thought I would kick off this year's Countdown to Halloween showing the two sides of the box that actually had something to do with movie. Not shown are the sides with a big smile (you think they could have added fangs just this one time) and a milk mustache maker.
Hotel Transylvania Happy Meal box
Dracula, Frank and Mavis pose for a group shot:
Side one of Hotel Transylvania Happy Meal box
Murray, a mummy that had way too many Happy Meals, is in the upper right-hand corner on this side. There is also a rather small spiderweb game board. You punch out the two bats to use as game pieces. The monster token is punched out and flipped. If it lands face up, then the player moves two spaces. If it lands face down, then the player moves one space. The winner is the first player to arrive to the center. Spaces have actions that you can do and include the following:

Howl like a werewolf, and then take a sip of your milk!
Draw a monster!
Tell a spooky story. Lose one turn.
Make a scary face. Move one space forward.
Dance like a mummy!
Almost there! Flip again.
You win!
Side two of Hotel Transylvania Happy Meal box
Find out which Hotel Transylvania toy that I got along with my Happy Meal tomorrow.