Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Free Shazam Digital Comic Download

Receive a free Shazam! digital comic download at here but hurry for the offer ends at 11 am tomorrow.

Women Wednesday: Female Force: Cher

The still living ex-wife of Sonny Bono received her own comic book titled Female Force: Cher from Bluewater Comics that was released on February 15, 2012. The cover was done by Joe Phillips while Zach Basset did the interior artwork. The issue was written by Marc Shapiro.
Cover of Female Force: Cher from Bluewater Comics

Monday, March 26, 2012

Free Subscription To LEGO Club Magazines

You can get a Free two year subscription to LEGO Club magazine here (LEGO Club Jr. magazine is automatically sent to those under seven years old).

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sonic Tots Featuring Justice League Ad

The following Sonic Tots featuring Justice League ad was found in our local newspaper a few weeks ago. The ad features Superman and Wonder Woman as tots that you can color. A coupon for a $1.99 Wacky Pack Kids' Meal with the purchase of any numbered combo meal is also included. I never got around to making it to our local Sonic or seeing any other ads since I bought that day's newspaper only to read the obituary of a friend's friend. According to DC Collectors, there are a whole set of Sonic's Justice League Tots plus trading cards available.

Sonic Tots featuring Justice League ad

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Green Lantern Movie Review

I finally watched Green Lantern on one of the movie channels earlier this evening. Why did I not watch it in theaters or buy the DVD? To be honest, I could not afford the movie ticket nor can I afford the DVD at this time. I liked the special effects and the costume works on screen. I really did not like the Hector Hammond (he looked more like the Elephant Man towards the end) and Parallax scenes. I really loved when Hal was on Oa and interacting with the other members of the Green Lantern Corps. Ryan Reynolds did an okay job as Hal Jordan but the aliens stole the movie for me especially Sinestro. Overall, I give Green Lantern a B+.

Women Wednesday: Ms. Marvel Promoted To Captain Marvel

Marvel Comics will be promoting Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel to Captain Marvel with a new costume and a new series that will start in July. You can read Ms. Marvel Gets Promoted to 'Captain Marvel' in New Series [Wondercon] for more information and previews.
Ms Marvel promoted to Captain Marvel

Monday, March 19, 2012

First Look At CW's Arrow

This first look of Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen in costume in CW's Arrow is thanks to Comics Alliance's First Image From CW's New 'Arrow' TV Show Debuts:
First look at CW's Arrow

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Patrick's Day Weekend Sale At Vampire Wars

Vampire Wars is another Facebook game (I'm currently at level 193) and they are having a weekend sale to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Exclusive new Avatars, Familiars and Abilities are included.
St Patrick's Day weekend sale at Vampire Wars

St. Patrick's Day Special Edition Cards From Superhero City

Superhero City is celebrating the luck of the Irish with St. Patrick's Day Special Edition cards that include Scream of the Banshee, Dance of the Leprechaun and Descendant of Lir (I need two more Merit Points for the second one):
St Patrick's Day Special Edition cards from Superhero City
They are also having a 25% sale on Celtic equipment that includes Aequitas Ring, Shamrock Core armor, Celtic Cross Amulet, Veritas Ring and Dagda's Harp. You can also buy/find green beer and clovers for clovers for energy boosts (I only found one clover so they are very rare).

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Women Wrestling Wednesday: She-Hulk Vs Mary Marvel

Okay, it has been way too long since I posted a women wrestling video. In celebration of St. Patrick's Day this Saturday, I present to you She-Hulk vs Mary Marvel:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Barnabas Versus Quentin In Dark Shadows #4

Newsarama's Extended Dynamite Preview has an extended sneak peek of Dark Shadows #4 plus three other comics. In this issue, Barnabas Collins the vampire battles Quentin Collins the werewolf.
Page 3 of Dark Shadows #4 from Dynamite Entertainment

Monday, March 12, 2012

Comic Review: Double Jumpers #1

Double Jumpers #1 (May 2012) is the first issue of a four part mini series from Action Lab Entertainment. Dave Dwonch did the story, script and letters while the art and colors where done by Bill Blankenship. The story is a twist on gamers getting stuck in their favorite fantasy video game. In this case, the group consists of the designers and programmers. There is drama with relationships such as Danielle Miyamoto being the daughter of the original game along with humor. The colorful art is crisp and the text is easy to read. The characters are unique with their own quirks. Be warned that there are some naughty words and adult situations. I enjoyed the first issue of Double Jumpers enough to want to the read the rest of the mini series. The art and story are enough for me to rate this issue an A+ so I highly recommend picking a copy up.
Cover of Double Jumpers #1 from Action Lab Comics
Page one of Double Jumpers #1 from Action Lab Comics
Page two of Double Jumpers #1 from Action Lab Comics

Friday, March 09, 2012

Happy Meal Green Lantern Toys Coming Soon

The next Happy Meal toys will be based on the Green Lantern cartoon series. There appears to be three Hal Jordans in costume, one Kilowog, one Red Lantern, one power ring, one space ship and one mask in the series.
Happy Meal Green Lantern toys coming soon at McDonald's

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Women Wednesday: Earth 2 Supergirl

Kevin Maguire designed the Earth 2 Supergirl costume. I think the knee shields on her boots need to be yellow to match her wrist shields and belt buckle but otherwise I like it.
Earth 2 Supergirl by Kevin Maguire

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Shazam's Costume Revealed

DC Universe's New York Post Reveals the First Look of Shazam posted this picture of the superhero formerly known as Captain Marvel:
Shazam new 2012 costume
I think I threw up a little in my mouth. Why is Captain, Shazam wearing a white with gold trim hooded cape? Does he really need to hide his face like that? I am hoping that he does not wear the hood all of the time. I kind of like the metallic wristbands, belt and boots.

Goodnight Sheldon Moldoff

American comic book artist, known for his early work on DC Comics characters, Sheldon "Shelly" Moldoff died on February 29, 2012 at the age of 91. He was also a main "ghost writer" for Bob Kane on Batman. You can read his impressive career here and visit his official site here.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Night Force Returns

I am a big fan of the original Night Force so seeing that a new series is coming out from DC Comics in 2012 is really exciting news. Baron Winters is back with a new look as he puts together a new group. Marv Wolfman is back as writer and Tom Mandrake is the artist. You can read a five page review here.
Cover of Night Force #1 from DC Comics in 2012

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Thrift Store Find: Fiction Illustrated Volume Two

I found a copy of Fiction Illustrated Volume Two (Pyramid Publications, April 1976) this morning at a local thrift store for only fifty cents. The book is only 6 3/4" tall and most of the pages are one page panels. The front cover proclaims that Starfawn by Byron Preiss (writer) and Stephen Fabian (artist) is a "full color adventure in the Star Trek tradition!" The back cover text states "A full-color odyssey into time and space with the crew of the starship Destiny and the fantastic woman known as Starfawn. Volume Two of America's first adult graphic novel revue!"

Bryon Preiss, of course, was responsible for the Weird Heroes paperback series. Stephen Fabian is also known for his "artwork for TSR's Dungeons & Dragons game from 1986 to 1995, particularly on the Ravenloft line."

As far as I know, Starfawn as never appeared anywhere else other than this graphic novel.
Front cover of Fiction Illustrated Volume Two
Interior page of Fiction Illustrated Volume Two
Back cover of Fiction Illustrated Volume Two

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Blog Alert: Random Acts of Geekery Changes

Jon's Random Acts of Geekery has gone from old url to new url. Regular postings will resume on April 1, 2012 but there is still plenty of back posts to read and enjoy.