Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Amazing Spider-Man Pez

According to this Blastr article, the big buzz seems to be the Pez dispensers for the upcoming movie, The Amazing Spider-Man. This is the first indication of what the Lizard will look like in the movie.
Amazing Spider-Man Pez dispensers

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Special Edition DC Comics Hot Wheels Cars Ad

This ad promoting the special edition DC Comics Hot Wheels was found in Aquaman #1 (November 2011) and shows diecast cars for Superman, Batman, Flash and Wonder Woman.
Special edition DC Comics Hot Wheels cars ad

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thrift Store Finds: Spider-Man Diecast Cars

I found these Spider-Man diecast cars a few weeks ago at a local thrift store for fifty cents each. Both were made in China for Marvel. The first one was made in 2006 and looks more futuristic:

Side view of Spider-Man diecast car 2006
Front view of Spider-Man diecast car 2006
The second Spider-Man car was made in 2009 and appears to be a sports car:
Side view of Spider-Man diecast car 2009
Front view of Spider-Man diecast car 2009

Friday, November 25, 2011

Comic Review: Princeless #2

Princeless #2 (November 2011) will be available in stores and on Graphicly on November 30, 2011. This issue picks up right after the events of Princeless #1 with Davin sparring with his father when news that his twin sister, Adrienne, was killed by a dragon arrives. He is more upset than his father is and the dragon arrives soon after with a mysterious rider. I will not go into much detail here so not to spoil Princeless #2. I will say that this issue was also worth reading and I give it an A just like I did the first issue.

Cover of Princeless #2 from Action Lab Entertainment and Firetower Studios

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pilot Script Ordered For Booster Gold

News is all abuzz about SyFy Orders 'Booster Gold' TV Pilot Script. I am on the fence for this since he is not my favorite superhero (he ranks slightly higher than Guy Gardner). Yet, I enjoyed watching Eric Martsolf bringing him to life on Smallville.

Eric Martsolf as Booster Gold on Smallville

Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog Alert: Food Junk

Turkey Day is just a few days away so what better way to start the celebration early than visiting Food Junk. Star Wars fans will enjoy the Stormtrooper action figure that is the blog's mascot and is featured with every item reviewed. In addition to food and drink, other items are also review such as the Lip Smacker's Girl Scout Cookie Flavored Lip Balms.
Read reviews of food and more at Food Junk

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cyborg, Superman And Wonder Woman Go For A Walk

From Justice League Dark #1 (November 2011):
Cyborg, Superman and Wonder Woman from Justice League Dark #1
I believe that Superman and Wonder Woman use the same hair color.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Women Wednesday: Rima The Jungle Girl

Rima the Jungle Girl #1 (Apr/May 1974) featured a gorgeous cover by Joe Kubert. Nestor Redondo did the interior pencils and inks but the writer and colorist remains unknown. She is the fictional character from W. H. Hudson's 1904 novel Green Mansions: A Romance of the Tropical Forest (spoiler alert: she is burned as a witch by the South American Indians). In the book, she is known as Rima the Bird Girl that is only seventeen, stands at 5'4" and has black hair. Classics Illustrated first adapted the book in 1951 with her being a blonde.

As you can tell, Rima's appearance in DC Comics differs greatly from the book and bares the same white hair as Marvel's Storm. While her comic book series only lasted for seven issues in 1974 to 1975, Rima appeared in several episodes of The All-New Superfriends Hour between 1977 and 1980. She was brought back for First Wave in 2010 with piercings and tattoos. Her amazing power-like skills include the ability to talk with and summon animals along with empathy for the forest people that she protects.
Cover of Rima the Jungle Girl #1 from DC Comics
Two page spread from Rima the Jungle Girl #1 from DC Comics
Panel from Rima the Jungle Girl #1 from DC Comics
Audrey Hepburn plays a vastly different version of Rima in the 1959 movie Green Mansions, where she is simply a mysterious girl who lived on her parents' plantation. A statue of Rima the Bird Girl stands in Pennsylvania Kensington Gardens in London.

A science fiction backup feature titled "Space Voyagers In Four Tombs" also appears in Rima the Jungle Girl #1.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thrift Store Finds: Batman Robot

I found this Batman Robot figurine from McDonald's Batman: The Brave and the Bold Happy Meal in the same fifty cent thrift store bag that I found Black Manta and Bat-Mite:
Batman Robot from McDonald's Batman: The Brave and the Bold Happy Meal

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thrift Store Finds: Bat-Mite

This Bat-Mite figurine (I hate to call him an action figure since nothing moves) was in the same fifty cent bag that Black Manta was inside. He is also part of the McDonald's Batman: The Brave and the Bold Happy Meal.
Bat-Mite from McDonald's Batman: The Brave and the Bold Happy Meal

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thrift Store Finds: Black Manta

I actually found this Black Manta action figure at a local thrift store with four other toys in a bag for fifty cents. He is from the McDonald's Young Justice Happy Meal that was released earlier this year. His eyes light up red when you push a button in his back and you can move his arms.
Black Manta from McDonald's Young Justice Happy Meal
Yes, I know that I titled him as Black Mantra instead of Black Manta when I saved the file and I did not catch it until after I uploaded the picture.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Women Wednesday: Legion of the Feline Furies

The cover of Batman #210 (March 1969) has the Caped Crusader trapped in Catwoman's whip with three mysterious women in cat-like costumes looking on. The text at the bottom states that they are part of the Legion of Feline Furies. Could this mean that there would be more copycat villains?
Cover of Batman #210 from DC Comics
Page one of the issue reveals Batman fighting nine identical Catwomen:
Page one of Batman #210 from DC Comics
The mysterious copycats are actually convicts that receive an invitation to join Selina Kyle's weight-reducing salon:
Women convicts from Batman #210 from DC Comics
Here are Legion of the Feline Furies in full costume:
Catmobile from Batman #210 from DC Comics
This is actually the second catmobile that appears in this issue and sits nine women. The first one is even more cat-like with a large cat head on the front but was driven by Catwoman's goons since it was only a two-seater. Hot Wheels should make a series of catmobiles and use this one.
Legion of the Feline Furies from Batman #210 from DC Comics
The catmobile also comes topless and changes colors a few pages later:
While I enjoyed the Legion of the Feline Furies, I would have liked each of the women to have different cat-like costumes like the ones on the cover did.

You can find Batman #210 reprinted in Showcase Presents Batman Volume 4, which is available below:

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Thrift Store Find: Dick Tracy Action Figure

I found this five inch Dick Tracy action figure a few weeks ago for fifty cents. It was made by Playmates and based on the live action movie starring Warren Beatty that was based on the comic strip. He is missing his gun and holster.
1990 Dick Tracy action figure from Playmates

Monday, November 07, 2011

Moongem Comics Hits 200,000 Landmark

Yes, Moongem Comics hit the 200,000 landmark according to my StatCounter mostly thanks to the daily October posts that brought in 15,959 hits. The top ten keywords have been superhero city cards, dc universe online wallpaper, modesty blaise, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, supergirl dc universe online, sexy black cat cosplay, spider woman cosplay, damian wayne, iron man the movie merchandise and batman christmas stocking.

Thanks to all the visitors, new and old. A special shout out goes to all the followers of this blog.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Thrift Store Finds: Aqualad, Rath And Shark Boy

I found a bag of goodies for fifty cents at a local thrift store this morning. The three toys were all from past McDonald's Happy Meals.

First is Aqualad from their Young Justice set put out earlier this year. I like how the transparent stripes on his right arm lights up when you push the button on his back.
Aqualad action figure from Young Justice 2011 McDonald's Happy Meal set
Next up is Rath from the Ben 10 Ultimate Alien set also from earlier this year. Too bad that he doesn't light up.
Rath action figure from Ben 10 Ultimate Alien 2011 McDonald's Happy Meal set
Finally, I found Shark Boy from Shark Boy and Lava Girl set that McDonald's put in their Happy Meals in 2005. To be honest, I have yet to watch the movie so I know very little about the character.
Shark Boy action figure from Shark Boy and Lava Girl 2005 McDonald's Happy Meal set

Friday, November 04, 2011

Green Arrow And Aquaman At Superhero City

Superhero City pays tribute to Green Arrow with an Arrow Assault card:
Arrow Assault banner at Superhero City
Arrow Assault card at Superhero City
Their tribute to Aquaman is in the form of a Speed of the Seas card:
Speed of the Seas banner at Superhero City
Speed of the Seas card at Superhero City
I think both are awesome but I cannot get either one since I do not have enough merit points.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Women Wednesday: Kim Kardashian As Poison Ivy For Halloween

Kim Kardashian dressed up as Poison Ivy for a Halloween party this year:
Kim Kardashian as Poison Ivy for Halloween
You can view more pictures of her plus others in costume including Jonathan Cheban as Robin here.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Goodbye LinkWithin

You may have noticed that I dropped the LinkWithin widget last month on Moongem Comics. The widget allowed a "You might also like" section for each post. Unfortunately, I grew tired of seeing links to other people's posts that had nothing to do with mine.