Tuesday, August 26, 2008

No Preacher For HBO

Comics Continuum reports MARK STEVEN JOHNSON: NO PREACHER ON HBO, which is a shame for I believe that the Vertigo comic series would make an interesting tv series. He refused to water down the content for the network. There is a rumor that someone is trying to get the rights to make a movie.

I have only read a few issues of Preacher and I liked it. My favorite character is Cassidy the vampire.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Superhero Catalogs

In the 1970s, Heroes World put out their own comic-sized catalog filled with games, books, toys and puzzles that dealt mostly with superheroes from mostly DC Comics and Marvel Comics. There are a few items with Fonzie, Planet of the Apes, Seseme Street, Space: 1999 and Star Trek. I only have three issues and the first two are in pretty bad shape because they were comic book versions of the Sears Wish Book for me. While I wanted to have almost everything in the superhero catalogs, I never actually sent in an order.

One thing that I did find odd is the titles of the issues. The first issue was The Superhero Catalog, the second was The Superhero Book of Goodies and the fourth was The Superhero Catalogue.

Here are the covers:

Superhero Catalog #1
Superhero Catalog #1

Superhero Catalog #2
Superhero Catalog #2

Superhero Catalog #4
Superhero Catalog #4

Checking on eBay, it seems that there is a mess up with the numbering on volume 7. The cover has #4 while the small print on the first page indicates volume 7. After pulling out my magnifying glass so I could read the small print, I found my #4 is actually volume 7, fall 1978. I never knew that all these long years.

Jon's Random Acts of Geekery has several Heroes World Catalog Posts featuring ads from Heroes World Catalog #1, Spring 1979 along with pictures of the real items. Be sure to check them out because they will bring back fond memories.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Superman Movie Reboot

Newsrama has an interesting article title WB will reboot Superman movie franchise. For me, Superman Returns was a mixed bag and I just hope they stay away from making him a Dark Son of Krypton.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Batman Blue Swirls Wallpaper

I made the following Batman blue swirls picture the other day by combining two pictures and is now my current desktop wallpaper:
My Batman blue swirls wallpaper

I like the figure in the center because I have my icons divided into each of the corners. I like it so I thought I would share.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Upgraded Template

I upgraded the template here at Moongem Comics. The post area is now wider since I noticed that the Comic Con Watchman video that I posted the other day did not seem to fit right. You will notice an improvement on the sidebar to the left especially the section for labels and how many posts that I have done for each (DC Comics is in the lead with 37 posts so far and collectibles is in a far second with 14 posts). You will also notice at the bottom of this page is a link to older posts. You can also check out the archives in the sidebar.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Blog Alert: Being Carter Hall

Being Carter Hall is one man's journey...into hawk fandom. The blog is dedicated to the Winged Wonder from DC Comics and is just getting started.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Comic Con Create Your Hero Video

Fans of Heroes were buzzing about the Create Your Hero contest at the San Diego 2008 Comic Con and the fun was captured all on video:

Even Orion from DC Comics voted:

Be sure to vote for Santiago or Audrey by September 29, 2008 at the Create Your Hero contest.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Heroes #3 Comic Con Promo

Heroes #3 was exclusive to San Diego Comic Con 2008 and has a cover by Michael Turner featuring Echo (right), Mohinder Suresh (middle) and Takezo Kensei (left). The cover characters are featured in three stories. "Blackout" is a two-part story that has Suresh finding a man that absorbs electricty in a hospital. My favorite story of the comic book by far is "The Ten Brides of Takezo Kensei" that has the character reflecting on all of his wives while he's buried in the coffin that Hiro teleported him into. The ending has a nice twist that I will not give away. Finally, "Going Postal" is about Echo De Mille, the main character of the new Heroes webisode series. I find his nemesis to be more interesting than he was but the story was still pretty good.
Cover of Heroes #3 Comic Con Promo
The cover of Heroes #3 Comic Con Promo

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Blog Spotlight: Speed Force

Fans of the Flash will be interesting in checking out Speed Force. The blog is devoted to every generation of speedsters from the pages of DC Comics including Jay Garrick, Barry Allen (my personal favorite since I grew up reading about his adventures), Wally West and Bart Allen.

I just discovered Speed Force tonight and I have a lot of reading to do.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Knight Returns Coloring Book

Here are some pictures from the Batman coloring book titled The Knight Returns that I picked up a few weeks ago from the local Dollar General:
Front cover of The Knight Returns coloring book
Front cover of The Knight Returns coloring book

Full figure Batman page from The Knight Returns coloring book
Full figure Batman page from The Knight Returns coloring book

Full figure Joker page from The Knight Returns coloring book
Full figure Joker page from The Knight Returns coloring book

Puzzle page featuring the Scarecrow from The Knight Returns coloring book
Puzzle page featuring the Scarecrow from The Knight Returns coloring book

Back cover of The Knight Returns coloring book
Back cover of The Knight Returns coloring book

The purple tint is due to my scanner. I really need to get a new one some day.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Thrift Store Finds: Hulk Figure And Iron Man Regener8'rs Vechicle

I found two cool toys today at a local thrift store. They are a Hulk figure and an Iron Man Regener8'rs vehicle.

The Hulk figure has a feature that you can push his upper torso up and down thus giving having him go from six-pack abs to a four-pack. His arms and head does. 1996 is printed on the bottom of the Hulk's left foot.

The Iron Man Regener8'rs is a pretty cool vehicle that can be transformed into eight different vehicles. Not only does the three-part body twists and turns but the tires move 360 degrees. I can turn the Iron Man Regener8'rs into more than eight vehicles even if some of them will not roll properly.

Here are some pictures of the Hulk figure and Iron Man Regener8'rs vehicle:
Front of the Hulk figure and the top of Iron Man Regener8'rs vehicle
Front of the Hulk figure and the top of Iron Man Regener8'rs vehicle

Back of the Hulk figure and the bottom of Iron Man Regener8'rs vehicle
Back of the Hulk figure and the bottom of Iron Man Regener8'rs vehicle

Update: The Hulk figure is a rare McDonald's premium that came with Happy Meals in 1996.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Vote On Create Your Hero

Heroes and Sprint teamed up last year for people to Create Your Hero. Over a million people joined to create two unique heroes. Now you can vote here to have Santiago or Audrey be the winner and star in their own online live-action series.