Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Women Wednesday: Wings of Truth

The cover of Birds of Prey #28 from DC Comics features Artemis (Strix), Bluebelle (Batgirl), Warbler (Black Canary) and Eagle (Condor) aka the Wings of Truth in Gothtopia:
Cover of Birds of Prey #28 from DC Comics featuring Wings of Truth
Obviously, Eagle is the only one able to fly while the women ride motorcycles (notice that Artemis rides with Bluebelle):
Eagle, Warbler, Bluebelle and Artemis aka the Wings of Truth
I would like to see an ongoing Gothtopia series just to see more women on motorcycles.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Goodnight To Ghostbuster Egon

Harold Ramis will forever be Egon from Ghostbusters to me. He passed away earlier today at the age of sixty-nine.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Superman Strawberry Candy Cane

I picked up the Superman Strawberry Candy Cane the same time I picked up the Batman Blue Raspberry candy cane. It too was forty cents and a leftover from the Christmas season. The Man of Steel is wearing his red trunks. His right fist continues to the side of the box.
Front of the Superman Strawberry Candy Cane box
The back also has a cool holiday decoration that can be cut out
Back of the Superman Strawberry Candy Cane box
The actual wrapper is clear with the familiar red and yellow S shield. Superman is written underneath that in red and yellow.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Batman Blue Raspberry Candy Cane

I actually picked up the Batman Blue Raspberry Candy Cane a few weeks ago when the Christmas merchandise was still on clearance. Originally, it was a dollar but I got it for forty cents. Batman is featured in his classic blue and gray costume. His right hand (our left) is actually on the side of the box.
Front of Batman Blue Raspberry Candy Cane box
The back has a cool holiday decoration that can be cut out:
Back of Batman Blue Raspberry Candy Cane box
The candy cane is wrapped in clear cellophane with the classic yellow oval bat symbol and Batman written in red.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Superman Chained Birthday Card 2014

My forty-ninth birthday was on Thursday, February 13th and I received a Superman chained birthday card from my mother and younger sister. The card cost $3.34 at the local Walmart and was produced by Hallmark. I actually picked it out myself since they didn't have very many superhero birthday cards to choose from (the other one was a lame Spider-Man birthday card). Superman is wearing his classic costume instead of the New 52 version. The front of the Superman chained birthday card features the upper part of him wearing chains:
Front of Superman chained birthday card 2014 from Hallmark
The inside front features the a full figure of the Man of Steel in chains with pull tabs from the chin down to reveal a hidden picture while the opposite side features the text:
Inside of Superman chained birthday card from Hallmark
Here is what the revealed picture looks like along with the right side pull tabs open:
Inside front of Superman chained birthday card with right side pull tabs
Here is the same picture looks like along with the left side pull tabs open:
Inside front of Superman chained birthday card with left side pull tabs
The top of the back features Superman flying along with the S shield almost in the center:
Back of Superman chained birthday card from Hallmark
The envelope is the same as the one I got last year with the retro Marvel Comics birthday card:
Front of envelope for Superman chained birthday card from Hallmark

Saturday, February 15, 2014

King Triton's Mermaids At Superhero City

Superhero City started a stat challenge for Valentine's Day that pits three sexy mermaids against their father, King Triton:
Banner for King Triton's Mermaids at Superhero City
I love the fact that the mermaids include a blonde, a brunette and a redhead:
Three mermaids at Superhero City
King Triton really doesn't stand a chance against the three beautiful mermaids:
Triton's Daughters card vs King Triton card at Superhero City
So far, I have six Triton's Daughters cards and one King Triton card.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day 2014 From Superhero City

Even though Superhero City is sunsetting, they are still celebrating Valentine's Day by offering a free card. Here is the banner for the offer:
Banner for free Valentine's Day card at Superhero City
This year's special Valentine's Day card is Distracting Defense and the masked lady sitting on the heart-shaped love seat is very distracting:
Free Valentine's Day card at Superhero City
Shame that she isn't wearing bra and panties with the Superhero City logo.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Countdown To Valentine's Day Minus One: Women of DC Comics Lace String Bikini Panties

Today is my forty-ninth birthday so I thought I would post something that I like seeing my girlfriends wearing. Yes, I'm not married and not currently seeing anyone seriously. The Women of DC Comics lace string bikini panties are available with Batgirl, Supergirl and Wonder Woman logos:

Batgirl logo women's lace string bikini panty
Batgirl logo women's lace string bikini panty
Supergirl logo women's lace string bikini panty
Supergirl logo women's lace string bikini panty
Wonder Woman logo women's bikini panty
Wonder Woman logo women's lace string bikini panty

I can't really say which one is my favorite for I like to give them all to those special ladies in my life for Valentine's Day. They don't always model them for me mind you but it's the thought that counts.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Colossal Madness At Superhero City

Superhero City is celebrating the Super Bowl by running a Colossal Madness: Tug of War contest (I picked Cavalry's Charge):
Banner for Colossal Madness at Superhero City
Cards for Colossal Madness at Superhero City
My character, Shadow Avenger, hit level 450 earlier.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Animal Instinct Cards At Superhero City

I'm still playing Superhero City and will be until the final day. Earlier this week, the online game released a set of Animal Instinct cards. Here is the banner:
Animal Instinct banner at Superhero City
The Animal Instinct cards include Animal Attack, Supremium Claws and Attack of the Feet (the artwork for all three feature women):
Animal Instinct cards at Superhero City
They had a very limited edition Chinese New Year card but they went quickly and I missed it.