Thursday, January 31, 2013

T-Shirt Thursday: Superman #300 Cover

Superman #300 (June 1976) is one of my favorite comics that I remember originally getting when it first came out. I lost the issue somehow but I bought a copy again years later for ten times the original cost and in very used condition. "Superman 2001" is a Just Imagine story where little Kal-El lands on Earth in the present day and starts as Superman in 2001.

Note: I deleted the t-shirt and Amazon link.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Women Wednesday: Amy Adams As Lois Lane

Blastr has the first official image of Amy Adams as Lois Lane in Man of Steel and here she is:
Amy Adams as Lois Lane in Man of Steel movie

Friday, January 25, 2013

Jean Gomez Wearing Punisher T-Shirt

Since I missed this week's T-shirt Thursday, I thought I would make up for it by posting a picture of the lovely Jean Gomez. She is another cosplayer that I have been following on Facebook that posted a picture of her wearing a Punisher t-shirt this morning:
Jean Gomez wearing Punisher t-shirt

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Women Wednesday: Ivy Doomkitty As Zatanna

Ivy Doomkitty is a video gamer junkie, comic book reviewer, cosplayer, artist model, bellydancer and cake decorator in Los Angeles, California. She dresses as various characters such as Zatanna:
Ivy Doomkitty as Zatanna
Be sure to check out Ivy Doomkitty's Facebook group for more hot photos.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Goodbye Alphas

One of my favorite series will not be coming back according to Syfy decides not to renew Alphas for 3rd season. I really liked the characters on that show.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Women Wednesday: Marvel Avengers Alliance Sif Wallpaper

Here is a wallpaper that I made featuring Sif from Marvel Avengers Alliance after she reached third level:
Sif from Marvel Avengers Alliance wallpaper
I still thinks she needs some protection on her thighs and that cape looks pretty heavy.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Marvel Avengers Alliance Tigra Wallpaper

I made this Tigra wallpaper after I got her up to level five in Marvel Avengers Alliance earlier on Facebook:
Tigra from Marvel Avengers Alliance wallpaper
It may be a bit on the small side for most but I like it. I now have it as my desktop wallpaper.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Goodnight Comic Buyer's Guide

Out of all the comic news this week, nothing hit me more than Krause Cancels 'Comic Buyer's Guide' After 42 Years. I had a subscription when the CBG was still a newspaper back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I had them saved due to all the great articles, previews, reviews and even the ads. Unfortunately, I had to get rid of them all due to my limited space about ten years ago.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Women Wednesday: Tigra In Marvel Avengers Alliance

Yesterday afternoon, I finally had enough gold to trade them in for some command points so I could recruit Tigra in Marvel Avengers Alliance. She cost me ninety command points but she is worth it mostly because she is one of my favorite characters from Marvel Comics.
Tigra in Marvel Avengers Alliance
I love when Tigra uses her razor claws:
Tigra in action using her razor claws
Yes, I have been spending way too much time on this game in the last two months.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Out With The Old Comic Shop News

I have been on a purging spree for the past two weeks since we had to put in a new floor furnace. I tossed out a lot of catalogs, newsletters, TV Guides and scrapbook material that I will never get around to actually putting into a scrapbook. I had about fifty issues of Comic Shop News that I tossed out yesterday. They were mostly from 1991. I also tossed out several years worth of newsletters from the Science Fiction Book Club. I actually reclaimed a full dresser drawer by doing so. Yeah, I should have taken some pictures or scanned in a few of the Comic Shop News but then I would have never gotten any purging done.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Thrift Store Find: Mad Engine Team Marvel T-shirt

I really was not expecting to find anything of interest at the local thrift stores this morning since Christmas items were still on the shelves. I did find a XL blue mineral wash Team Marvel t-shirt featuring Tony Stark (Iron Man), Bruce Banner (Hulk) and Peter Parker (Spider-Man) for only three dollars. The mineral wash is a weird effect that makes the fabric look bleached out. I could not get a good picture with my crappy digital camera so I snitched one from My Tee Spot, where you can purchase one for $11.99:
Team Marvel t-shirt from Mad Engine

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Women Wednesday: Blonde Batgirl Cosplayer

I have no clue as to the identity of this blonde Batgirl cosplayer since I found the picture on Facebook but she and the costume looks great:
Blonde Batgirl Cosplayer