Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Thrift Store Find: Unknown Bug Man

I'm pretty sure this unknown bug man is from the Imaginext line since he is the same design style and size of my Space Shuttle crewmen. However, I can't seem to find any online information about him yet. His orange bug-like helmet is removable to reveal that his costume is mostly black with yellow and orange stripes. He was in the third bag of toys that I picked up at a local thrift store. If anyone has any information about him, then please feel free to post in the comments.

Update: I found out that he is Imaginext's Sky Racers Sea Stinger.
Front of unknown bug man action figure with helmet on
Front of unknown bug man action figure with helmet on
Front of unknown bug man action figure with helmet off
Back of unknown bug man action figure with helmet off


  1. He's definitely Imaginext, but I don't follow any of the lines outside the DC Universe or the blind bagged series. If I had to guess, I would say he is likely part of the Dinosaur rider theme sets.

  2. Thanks, Eric. I'll keep doing some research on this for I might dig something up sooner or later.
