Sunday, October 25, 2020

Countdown to Halloween 2020 Day 25: Ghost Stories

I picked up the Ghost Stories DVD a few weeks ago at the local Dollar Tree and it was a good thing that I did. The bin full of horror movies are all gone much to my dismay. This is another DVD that has a double cover with the first one being my favorite. Ghost Stories is a 2017 British horror movie that actually started as a play. Andy Nyman play Professor Goodman, a skeptic, that receives a case file about three people that had encountered ghosts. The first is a night watchman at an abandoned aslyum (this is my least favorite). The second is a edgy young man who had a frightful encounter after crashing his dad's car in the woods (so-so . The third is an ex-banker visited by his unborn child (the oddest of the three). Of course, there's a twist at the end that ties the three cases to Professor Goodman.

To be honest, I found the first half of Ghost Stories a little on the dull side. The real payoff to this horror movie is the ending and it's really surreal. I'm glad that I got it for a dollar since I never even heard of it before picking it up. If you can find a copy cheap, then pick it up just for the weird ending.

Ghost Stories DVD Cover #1

Ghost Stories DVD Cover #2

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