Sunday, October 11, 2020

Countdown to Halloween 2020 Day 11: DC Trinity Candysticks Deja Vu

I posted about the DC Trinity Candysticks on the first day of last year's Countdown to Halloween. Well, they are back at the local Dollar General...sort of. The only thing different about the front of the bag is the colors for the logo and the "20 CT".

Front of DC Trinity Candysticks 2020 bag

The only difference on the back of the bag is the coloration of "Candysticks".

Back of DC Trinity Candysticks 2020 bag

The Batman boxes has the same artwork but different background and "Candy Sticks" coloration. Yes, there are still three different Batman boxes:

Front and back of Batman Boxes from DC Trinity Candysticks 2020

The Superman boxes also have the same images but different background and "Candy Sticks" coloration. He only gets two different boxes:

Front and back of Superman Boxes from DC Trinity Candysticks 2020

Once again, Wonder Woman got shafted and only has one box. The graphics on her boxes are the same as last year's version but the coloration of the background and "Candy Sticks" are different.

Front and back of Wonder Woman Boxes from DC Trinity Candysticks 2020

I have better pictures this year since I scanned the bag and boxes instead of using my digital camera. I also bought two bags of this year's DC Trinity Candysticks (they really should use that name instead of just "Candy Sticks". The first bag actually had twenty-one boxes instead of twenty. It had ten Batman boxes (one Batman/Batman, six Batman/Trinity with yellow background and three Batman/Trinity with orange-yellow background), eight Superman boxes (three Superman/Superman and five Superman/Trinity) and three Wonder Woman boxes. The second bag had nine Batman boxes (four Batman/Batman, four Batman/Trinity and one Batman/Batman with orange-yellow background), eight Superman boxes (two Superman/Superman and six Superman/Trinity) and three Wonder Woman boxes.

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