Sunday, March 29, 2020

Superhero Sunday: Batmobiles and Batplane

I decided to do something a little different for this week's Superhero Sunday. Instead of putting the spotlight on Batman, I decided to focus on his Batmobile. The reason is because I have been finding some new Batmobiles that Hot Wheels have been producing for 2020. Once again there are five in the set and I have two of them plus one with an alternate paint job. Technically, there are eight in the mini collection if you include all the variants.

I found the chrome Batmobile at the local Walmart's a few months ago. It's the third one in the set and is based on the comic book version:

Here is a close up shot of the chrome Batmobile:

The alternate paint job of the third Batmobile is gold and was found a few weeks ago at the local Walmart's:

Here is a close up shot of the gold Batmobile:

The Batplane is actually the first one of the set and I found it the same time that I found the gold Batmobile. It's from the Batman: The Animated Series. I think there is enough Batman-related flying vehicles that Hot Wheels could do a set of their own. How cool would it be to have a Batplane, Batwing, Batjet, Batrocket and Batcopter?

Here is a close up of the Batplane:

The Hot Wheels Batman Mini Collection lists a third color variation for the third Batmobile but doesn't say what color it is. I'm thinking it will be either black or dark blue. There is also a Batplane variant. I'm still missing #2 (Batcopter), #4 (TV series Batmobile) and #5 (Batman: Arkham Asylum Batmobile). The last one is a Treasure Hunt so I might never find it.

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