Saturday, October 17, 2015

Countdown to Halloween 2015 Day 17: Spookylicious Pop-Tarts

I actually managed to snag this year's Limited Edition Spookylicious Frosted Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tarts from Kellogg's in late September at the local Walmart Super Center. The front of the box is pretty cool with the haunted house in the background:
Front of Kellogg's Spookylicious Frosted Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tarts box
This is the left side of the box when the front is towards you. I like the unPOPular tart styles #20: DISCO-TARTS #boogiefever. This side gives you the directions on how to prepare the Pop-Tarts in English and Spanish:
Left side of Kellogg's Spookylicious Frosted Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tarts box
The back of the box is basically has a few toons but nothing really spooky:
Back of Kellogg's Spookylicious Frosted Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tarts box
I'm not showing the right side of the box since it features the nutrition facts and ingredients both in English and Spanish.

The Pop-Tarts themselves look pretty much like the one on the front of the box but the ghosts and moon pieces do not cover them as neatly. They taste okay if you enjoy chocolate fudge, which I don't and the orange frosting didn't have any taste at all. I wish Kellogg's would produce the regular size of Pop-Tarts instead of the sixteen count because it took me a while to finish these off. Also, the foil wrappers are just like the regular ones so it would have been cool if they made them a little bit more special.

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