Friday, September 11, 2015

Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain

I received this Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron Iron Man Pocket Pop! Keychain from Disney Movie Rewards on Tuesday along with my Hulk Pocket Pop Keyhain. He stands about 1 1/2" tall and has bright red and gold coloring. Here is what he looks like still in the box:
Front of Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain in box
Here is the right side of the box:
Right side of Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain in box
Here is the back of the box that states that he was made by Funko:
Back of Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain in box
Here is the left side of the box:
Left side of Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain in box
Here is what the Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain looks out of the box (I actually had more trouble standing him up than I did with the Hulk):
Front of Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain
Here is the back:
Back of Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain
Here is the left side of his head after he kept falling:
Left side of Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain
Here is the Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain without the keyring:
Back of Iron Man Pocket Pop Keychain
He looks pretty cool considering how small he is and I love the thruster effect coming out of his hands that makes it looks like he is taking off or landing.

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