Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sexy Saturday: DC Comics Bombshells #1

What if women donned costumes first is the basic concept behind DC Comics Bombshells. The first digital issue hit the Internet today while the print version will be released August 12. The cover is by Ant Lucia while the interior art is by Marguerite Sauvage. The issue was written by Marguerite Bennett. There are some spoilers in this post so don't read if you don't want to know.
The issue kicks off with the mysterious Batwoman saving a very familiar wealthy family from a robber in Gotham City in 1940:
By day, she is also a female baseball player for the Gotham Knights:
Her girlfriend is Gotham City Police Detective Maggie Sawyer and she seems to have a really adventurous history:
Commander Amanda Waller shows up to enlist their help to end the war:
Not a bad start to the three-part series and I can't wait until the next issue. There are a few upskirt shots along with Kate and Maggie wearing lingerie. The art does have a pinup vibe, which is good considering that this is based on the Bombshells statues that were produced.

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