Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Comic Review: Princeless #1

Cover of Princeless #1 from Action Lab Entertainment and Firetower Studios

Princeless #1 (October 2011) is the first issue of a four part mini series that will wrap up by year’s end. Another four part mini series will start shortly after that. Jeremy Whitley is the writer while Mia Goodwin provided the art and colors. Letters and “Mr. Froggy” colors was done by Jung-Ha Kim while the “Mr. Foggy” art was provided by D. E. Belton. Princeless #1 will be published by Action Lab Entertainment and Firetower Studios. The book will be available through Diamond, local comic book shops and at conventions this fall. A preview copy should be made available in time for the San Diego Comic Con.

The issue starts with a young princess named Adrienne finding fault with fairy tale that her mother reads her. She then finds herself in a tower guarded by a female dragon named Sparky about ten years later. She insults a young prince coming to her rescue before the dragon shows up. While the pair battle, Adrienne finds a sword under her bed. She decides to rescue her five older sisters from their towers with Sparky’s help.

The prince that Sparky was fighting with earlier finds his way back to Adrienne’s father, who is not happy with his failed rescue attempts. He claims that he has seven daughters in seven towers guarded by seven mythical beasts. The king even says that Sparky was chosen in hopes that she would be easily slain. He calls his own son, Devin, not worthy to be king since he would rather play dress up. There is more but I do not want to give everything away in this review.

I really like the art and story of Princeless #1 but the characters are what really shine. There are several amusing moments with Adrienne but my favorite are the scenes with Sparky, who has an appetite for princes. This comic book is suitable for all ages and fans of Disney-like fairy tales will get a kick out of it. I give Princeless #1 a solid A.

Adrienne and Sparky from Princeless #1

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