Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Women Wednesday: Delta Tenn #8

Delta Tenn #8 (1988) is an independent comic created, drawm. written and lettered by Mark Marderosian from Entertainment Publishing Company (yet the cover has TE Comic). The production artist was Steve Cohen, who also did #9 and 10. The cover features the blonde law enforcer strangling a knife-wielding villain while two other bad guys approach. Her police uniform is odd mostly for the fact that she carries her nightstick and pistol on what appears to be a garter just above her right thigh-high boot. She wears a cap inside this issue, which is in black and white, that makes her look a lot like a dominatrix than a cop. "Sadist's Dream" is a rather odd story for Delta Tenn's boyfriend is back at work as a host for a children's tv show called Kiddie Kave. I will say that this is not a comic for kids since it deals with the sadistic killer dressing up in a kitty costume.
cover of Delta Tenn #8 from TE Comic
A one-page text story titled "Marks of a Killer" is also included. A page with fan art and the blueprints for the Antranig model THS-5200 rocket launcher can also be found in the back. The inside back cover features a pinup of Delta Tenn while a t-shirt offer is on the back. This was the last issue of the series.


  1. i was production artist on issues 8, 9 and Tenn of this comic book, my name is in the credits.

  2. Thanks for the correction, Steve.

  3. I see the cover is based on that famous Phantom Lady "headlights"cover.

  4. i did not say i drew it, i said i was _production artist_, the comic book was written and drawn by Mark Marderosian, i helped rule panel borders, fill in black areas and inked some backgrounds.

  5. yes, Mark drew that with glee, he used a Jack Cole splash in an issue too, and paid homage to the great cartoonist, i forget if it was the same issue, but it was the Col story "Murder, Mayhem, and Me", if memory serves!!!
    i loved working on that comic book!!!
