Friday, December 05, 2008

Goodnight Forrest J Ackerman

Forrest J Ackerman, founding editor of Famous Monsters of Filmland and the man who termed sci fi, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2008 from heart failure according to Yahoo News, Mark Evenier and Jon's Random Acts of Goodness. I first read the news at the Jon's blog before reading Mark's blog. I still have most of my issues of Famous Monsters of Filmland stashed away and I have fond memories of them. So I would just like to thank Forrest J Ackerman for everything he did.

1 comment:

  1. Quine and I am covered in the Podcast and the club ...
    Hi my name is Juan Pablo Gonzalez Trejo, I am 34 years old and living in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico, from my childhood Superman has been my favorite character in comics, movies, TV programs, toys and everything related to the man of steel.
    My adventure in the podcast was born more than two years ago when looking for a club of Superman in Guadalajara.
    I was fortunate to find a club for Star Wars, where they met monthly and had a podcast called HOLONET Guadalajara, quickly I became a fan of them writing and on one occasion to participate in its program, that moment was key because before the program will ask that if there was a Superman club here in Guadalajara and the response was sad.
    A resounding no.
    From that moment I began to search the network if there was any club in Mexico's man of steel and did not find anything.
    So after turning the matter decided to create the first Superman Fan Club Guadalajara Mexico, Yahoo! in Spanish.
    Being the direction which they attached below.
    Today I am a member of Club Superman Guadalajara in Spain and then I became an active member of the Forum Superman in Spanish for good Javi Olivares and Jose Mari Tralleros.
    But still I felt that something was missing in the network was very poor information about Superman here in my country are almost always found in the pages of Spain or Argentina or Chile and asked me that here there is nothing of such materials padrísimos, so I di to the task of creating a podcast where the main topic would be the man of steel.
    I found the task of investigating whether there was a podcast in Spanish like he wanted to perform and this was nothing more than ask for help and advice because I had no idea where to start, thousands of doubts began to emerge, What is a podcast, what programs need to create one, what type of machine is needed to create a podcast, "How much does it cost to publish a podcast on the net? This last question for me was the most logic by which we are getting podcast in Spanish by Mexican fans.
    Today it is thanks to technology that is not so difficult just needs a little ingenuity and lots of enthusiasm.
    My first podcast tough 40 minutes but the page that I had signed up only accept mp3 files with maximum duration of 20 minutes so I had to start my podcast.
    My girlfriend Wonder Woman Rosa Martha Olvera V. was the first person to hear my podcast and encouraged me to follow.
    Padrísimo know was that the first week since the seventies had more discharges and I began to get e-mail asking me to do the weekly podcast.
    The format of the podcast programs is two-and three parties of 10 to 20 minutes per side.
    So get to the Podcast number three where they could link songs related to the man of steel, such as Super Superman Miguel Bose, I am Superman by REM, save me from Smallville and many more links after the first Superman radio serials of the program Kelogs and one day seeing Superman Returns in Latin Spanish, I get the idea ...
    Seria padrísimo able to interview the dubbing actor who lends his voice to the man of Steel in Superman Returns so I gave the task of investigating who was and as a contact.
    And it was a blessing for me to contact the actor dubbing Mario Arvizu who is the person who lends his voice to Superman in the movie Superman Returns, until today I think is the best podcast in Spanish that Superman heard eh Network and is not that echo what I have, really have to listen to the interview and rate the truth became very father.
    As a curiosity let me tell you that most of the e-mail comment that their father has left the program imagining that we are a lot of people that what we do, that my girlfriend was exactly what I said and gave him laugh as I said imagine the day it was aware that what you do alone.
    This podcast is done without profit motive and with the sole intention of encouraging a taste for the man of steel Superman in Mexico and the Spanish-speaking world thanks to the magic of the Internet.
    For all that and much more serious padrísimo able to advertise my Podcast on your page as it is one of the most viewed by Spanish-speaking youth throughout the world.
    The address of my podcast is as follows:
    Waiting for prompt response.
    Juan Pablo Trejo Woodhead.
    Founder and member of Prime Superman Fan Club Guadalajara Mexico.
    Official voice of Radio Podcast Planet Gdl.
