Monday, May 19, 2008

Blog Spotlight: Jon's Random Acts of Geekness

Where do I start by saying how cool Jon's Random Acts of Geekness is? I have been wanting to write a piece about his blog since I first discovered it a few months ago. I have just been too busy drooling over the pictures of cool stuff that he posts.

Jon's Random Acts of Geekness has everything from cartoons and comics to monsters and superheroes. Many of his posts brings back fond memories of stuff that I used to have as a kid in the 1970s. I love his theme days that include Sunday Funnies, Monster Mondays and Give-A-Show Fridays.

If you are a big geek like me, then you need to check out Jon's Random Acts of Geekness. You never know what might pop up next on his blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just catching up on blogs and saw this entry... thanks!

