Thursday, May 08, 2008

The American Knight

I needed a break from writing stories today and played with two online character makers. I ended up making two versions of the American Knight:

The first American Knight made with Create Your Own Superhero found at (I can imagine this superhero being active in the 1970s):
The American Knight

The second American Knight was made with HeroMachine 2.5 at (I can see this superhero being active today):
The American Knight II

The immediate differences between the two is the color palette and the detailed items. The color of the Marvel Kids superhero maker is more subdued and what you would find on the printed page. The color found at HeroMachine is much vibrant but they give you the option of playing with two colors per items (see the helmet, breastplate, the leggings and the sword for the effects of having two different colors for one item). The only armor that Marvel Kids had were for Iron Man while HeroMachine had a lot to choose from and they had more details. HeroMachine also had more miscellaneous items such as the American flag and the sheath for the sword.

Both are fun to play around with but my favorite has to be HeroMachine because of the wide variety of color and the amount of detailed items available.

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