Monday, June 29, 2015

Alice Cooper vs Chaos! Mini Series Coming in September 2015

According to Newsarama's ALICE COOPER Returns To Comic Books With EVIL ERNIE Crossover, September 2015 will see the launch of Alice Cooper vs Chaos! five issue mini series from Dynamite Entertainment. Not only will he crossover with Evil Ernie but Chastity, Purgatori and the Chosen will also appear.
Cover of Alice Cooper vs Chaos! #1 from Dynamite Entertainment

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Women Wednesday: Arkham Knight Batgirl

Batgirl is a new playable character in the Batman: Arkham Knight video game provided you get the season pass:
Arkham Knight Batgirl

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tom Holland is the New Spider-Man

According to the Real Stan Lee, Tom Holland has been cast as the next Spider-Man by Sony. He is a nineteen year old English actor best known for his lead role in Billy Elliot the Musical. The new Spider-Man is expected to crossover in Marvel's Captain America: Civil War and then his solo movie is expected to be released on July 28, 2017.
Tom Holland is the new Spider-Man

Monday, June 22, 2015

Doctor Strange Finally Gets New Series

According to Comics Alliance, Doctor Strange is getting a new series thanks to Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo. However, there will be some differences such as him wearing sneakers and using weapons such as battle axe and bow.
Cover of Doctor Strange #1 from Marvel Comics

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Death in the Family and Goodnight Christopher Lee

You may have noticed a lack of posts this week. The reason is because my Uncle Kenny died last Thursday night at the age of 75 after fighting COPD for the past few years. His funeral was yesterday afternoon and I still can't believe that he's gone. He never married or had any kids but he did serve two years in the United States Army.

The first news that I read this afternoon after getting online was the death of Sir Christopher Lee at 93. Kind of bummer to see that the legendary actor that has played in so many horror movies have passed on.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Women Wednesday: Superwoman vs Wonder Woman

Today's battling women is brought to you by Convergence: Crime Syndicate #2 (July 2015):
Cover of Convergence: Crime Syndicate #2 from DC Comics
The catfight between Superwoman from the Crime Syndicate of Earth 3 and the Wonder Woman of Justice Legion Alpha from the 853rd century starts rather late (WW does fight Ultraman and knocks out Owlman earlier):
Page 19 of Convergence: Crime Syndicate #2 from DC Comics
This would make a cool poster or a t-shirt:
Page 20 of Convergence: Crime Syndicate #2 from DC Comics
The women appear to be at a stalemate:
Page 22 of Convergence: Crime Syndicate #2 from DC Comics
One of the women does rise out of the rubble but that's the last page that I don't want to spoil here so you need to pick up the issue and find out who wins for yourself.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

DC's Infinite Crisis Game Shutting Down

Bad news for DC's INFINITE CRISIS Game Shutting Down In August. The game started only three months ago and no reason yet has been given for the shut down. I have always wanted to play it but never got around to it so there seems to be no point in doing so now.
DC's Infinite Crisis game shutting down